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by Cody Robert Judy, Presidential Candidate, ©2016

(Jun. 5, 2016) — For Democrats to win in November they have got to move from the far left field Obama already has them in. Sanders was vetted not only for his age, but for his extreme left positions to make Hillary Clinton look more centrist, or center field. If the goal for Democrats is to win, they must take on every anti-establishment position that Trump has sown up in his own extremely unusual unique and captive phenomenon.

[Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences.] Groupthink, I believe, can be attributed to the severe dislocation of priority within the establishments of both major parties. It has allowed Trump’s phenomenon.

Hillary Clinton, I believe, is about to undergo a very big upheaval within her own ranks. Watch for a very big fight to break out. Nearly everything is wrong with her campaign, and it is not an accident, but the result of Hillary’s own gravitation to Groupthink- a stifling heat stagnating within her own campaign is the result of what’s happening within her own person.

Hillary is a woman running for President of the United States but with more interest in the World based in and on the worst aspects and corruptible influences of the World, things like bribery, political peddling, pay-to-play, incentives for slavery, aristocracy, and an exploitation of minorities rather than any real defense through the standards of the Constitution.

At the bottom of this post I’ve also included a dream I had today that seemed very poignant with symbolism for those who are interested in that. Many are not and do not find those kinds of things interesting, to which I simply say to each his own. The more I think about it, the more I think Hillary is the crocodile in that dream. She’s very dangerous, coy, sly, and hidden in the massive danger she represents.

Hillary’s psychological message is all wrong, but she “thinks,” and of course many around her also “think” obviously that it’s the right message.

I believe Hillary has a very big grudge against men, and that is why she laughed with such glee (see the video) about the killing of head-of-state Muammar Gaddafi.

The “affairs” of Bill Clinton on Hillary endured, created much more of a calculated killing machine than anyone has supposed.

In truth, indeed there would be things that a woman in the Office of the Presidency would bring that could be nice, but Hillary Clinton does not possess them, which is why as she is running as a First Lady making a bid at the First Woman in the Office of the President, I’m [neutrally] opposed to her, meaning I’m not opposed to a woman being elected, but for my reasons I’d expect as equally upon a man, I don’t see what I’d like to see gender aside.

Read the rest here.

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