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by Michael Gaddy, ©2016, blogging at The Rebel Madman

(May 12, 2016) — No groups of people are more easily enslaved than those who are functionally illiterate or have been successfully indoctrinated to the point they do not understand they are slaves, and no groups of people are more criminal than those who believe their criminal acts are necessary and sanctioned by a god called government.

It started with John Dewey in 1898 and continues today with complete government sanction, operating under sanitized, euphemistic phrases such as “Goals 2000, No Child Left Behind or Common Core.” Collectivism has brought us to the point where approximately 50% of the population of our country is functionally illiterate. If you doubt this for a moment, have your server at a local fast food restaurant make change without a programmed cash register or ask almost anyone to explain why the people known as Anti-federalists opposed ratification of our Constitution.

Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” Vladimir Lenin

Dewey wrote “Change must come gradually. To force it unduly would compromise its final success by favoring a violent reaction.” Dewey’s ghost and those who continue the destruction of individualism and the promotion of collectivism need not worry. Violent or concentrated reaction to one’s children being indoctrinated, molested and drugged by the government is nothing but a long forgotten pipe-dream.

The only people who actually see what is happening, those most usually of group mentality, operating within the framework of some organization that claims to be “constitutional” or “patriotic,” are basically tilting at windmills. They have their little group-think meetings where collectivism is condemned in word only, then meander on home to worship their god of war and a militarized police state while watching sports or reality TV. Violent reaction to anything has long since been bred out of these folks.

These groups believe the answer to all problems is to petition their betters in politics, or if that fails, elect new people to fill the positions of those who have previously betrayed their trust. Either path is analogous to asking the person or persons who broke into your home and killed your family to please attend the funeral and mourn the dead. To quote Robert LeFevre, “Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure.”

People just do not understand that governments do not derive their power from force, guns, and unconstitutional laws without first having their power and corruption sanctioned by a majority of the people who are willing to support such a government with elections, conventions, and votes. Participating in an electoral process that brings tyrants to power is condoning the actions of those elected regardless of whom you voted for. Voting for any candidate who never mentions during the entirety of their campaign the object [Constitution] of the sacred oath they will take when elected is voiced acceptance of a government that operates outside of the restraints of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

If you vote for a candidate, no matter how better they appear than their opponent, who does not have a working knowledge of the document they swear to “uphold and defend;” to expect them to honor that oath is more indicative of your insanity than it is the character of the candidate you will later condemn for their tyranny and crimes.

All forms of government lean toward the collective mentality. No one probably states that axiom better than Professor Butler Shaffer. “In varying degrees, every political system is collectivist in nature, each being premised upon the centralization of state authority over the lives and property of individuals. Communism is only the more aggressive and far-reaching form of state socialism. But every political form is grounded in the belief that the state may rightfully preempt the decision-making authority of individuals.”

The collectivist educational agenda is to have all so-called learning done in the group setting. No individualism is allowed. An individual is never permitted to rise above the collective good of the group. The perceived need to be part of something larger than oneself begins early in the educational process. The young mind full of mush is oriented toward gang mentality from day one in the public fool system. The only question that remains is: which gang to join?

Considering the family structure has been under attack in this country for decades, those without the benefit of such upbringing lean toward gangs that are most often referred to by their alleged criminal actions. The violence and death witnessed on the streets of our inner cities are proof positive. What have we become when the shooting deaths of eight people and the shooting and wounding of many more on the streets of Chicago on Mother’s Day goes virtually unnoticed in the national media?

“Destroy the family, you destroy the country” ~Vladimir Lenin

The “goody-two-shoes” segment of our society, hiding behind the façade of the “religious right,” has abandoned the tenets of the Bill of Rights that provides for individual free will to embrace instead the god of government and its mandates on individual choices, in particular, the “war on drugs.” In so doing, they have provided fertile soil for the gangs involved in providing drugs the government has deemed “illegal” in favor of those lobbyists in the pharmaceutical industry who have paid huge numbers of dollars to obtain the government sanction of “legal.”

Arguably, no other government action has produced more slavery and criminal activity, at least since the insane period of our history called prohibition. One would be hard-pressed to prove the majority of “criminal” gangs in this country do not derive a great deal of their money from the sale of “illegal” drugs. In addition, this overwhelming desire of the goody-two-shoes class to use the coercive powers of government to impose their will on others has done more to destroy several provisions of our Bill of Rights and to empower the militarized police state than any other act in history. In a terribly misguided attempt to dictate the choices of those they wish to control, the do-gooders in our society have destroyed forever several essential rights deemed by our Declaration of Independence to be unalienable.

Karl Marx, his disciples like Dewey, and the leadership of both political parties have created a collectivist form of government which has rapidly morphed into totalitarian form. Several decades back, the Marxist collectivists convinced those who refer to themselves as “conservative” that they must embrace tenets of collectivism in order to gain the votes of an increasing number of functionally illiterate citizens. Conservatives have responded in spades.

In the mad rush to add to their voter base, both parties have been equally instrumental in creating an “entitlement” society. The liberal progressives (Marxists) have convinced those who will not work that they are “entitled” to the fruits of the labor of those who do, but not one iota more than the conservatives (Fascists) who promote the entitlement culture of the military/industrial/national security/banking/pharmaceutical community.

If one has any interest in what is happening to our country or what is happening each and every day in the public fool system, reading Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman’s book, “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children” is an absolute must. In their work, the authors cite six criminal acts that are visited on our children and grandchildren in the collectivist educational system in this country.

As the collectivist/totalitarians worked diligently for decades using public education to convert the majority of this country’s population into functional illiterates and cultural Marxists, it also instilled the concept of collective morality and purposely omitted the theory of individual morality. Fortunately, for the educational collectivists, the functional illiterates are incapable of differentiating between the two. Simply stated, collective morality provides for the theft of the production of the individual as long as that theft is seen as benefiting the collective. While this usually begins as the theft of tangible assets/property taken from the individual, it progresses to the point that the individual must be willing to sacrifice their morality and even their lives for the benefit of the collective.

Young adults leave the collectivist-based public education complex with a degree in “Who am I.” They have no concept of operating in the new world they face as an individual; everything they have been taught for over a decade is: success can only be achieved by belonging to a group, mob or gang. What their influences outside of education have been determines which “group” they choose to belong to.

The conversion from individual to collectivist mentality has had devastating effects on our society. One of the most telling products is the loss of respect for human life as individuals and their rights cease to matter; the collective reigns supreme. It is not by accident that the result of this loss of respect for individual human life has manifested itself in the schools of our country. Dozens of school shootings have left death, destruction and anguish, and questions as to why. Could it be the loss of respect for individual human life taught in those same schools contributes heavily to those shootings?

Young people in our society have a choice of collective groups which they can join. Their influences outside of the collective education system are most often the deciding factor as to which group or gang with which they will associate. Regardless of that choice, the common denominator of the loss of respect for human life pervades the beliefs and actions of those groups. There is the “criminal gang” that has come to prominence usually because of the colossal failure known in society today as the “war on drugs.” As a Hollywood celebrity once said, “It is hard to tell a young person to just say no when they can a make a thousand dollars a week working part-time on the local street corner.”

Then, of course, there are political gangs and prison gangs to which one can aspire. Most times it is extremely hard to differentiate between the two, for the common denominator of both is power and control over others.

I can’t help but wonder what folks like Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Yates, John Lansing, George Mason, Robert E. Lee, Thomas Jonathan (Stonewall) Jackson and many others would say today if they could see what this country has done with the birthright of Freedom and Liberty they worked so hard to provide for us. Talk about squandering an inheritance!

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