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by OPOVV, ©2016

(Apr. 8, 2016) — “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the show that tells the truth and nothing but the truth: ‘The Pulse of the Nation.’

We’ve been invited to one of our Indian reservations – that would be American Indian — to interview some chiefs of the different tribes that we’re so fortunate to have left that hadn’t been ‘cleansed’ by smallpox, a bullet or booze.

“What we’re using for our backdrop is the main lodge, where only important rituals are held such as weddings, burial ceremonies, potlatches, and Powwows. A Powwow just ended; that’s right, it went on throughout the night, and when the rooster crowed it was still going strong.

“And here they come filing out, dressed in their buckskin and feathered headdresses. I’m part Indian myself — 1/8 Cherokee – so I was allowed to be on this sacred ground. It’s interesting to note that some of these headdresses are actually War Bonnets.

“Excuse me, Chief, how’d it go in there?”

“You funny man, Roving. ‘How’d it go.’ Very funny. Wife likes your show. I like too. How.”

“How back. You want speakee English or Indian gibberish?”

“You not so funny after all. I know you real Indian Chief. By the way, congratulation on your major award.”

“Thank you. Okay, so can you tell us what went on in there for, how long, 24 hours?”

“Yes and yes. We discussed the college championship game until the cows came home, then we discussed the election and how we can support Trump. Some wanted to go on warpath; to scalp the traitors of the Constitution but they were finally convinced to walk the path of peace, at least for now.”

“What does, exactly, ‘for now’ mean?”

“Not a heck of a lot. We took inventory of our combined arsenals and the number of warriors, and then the number of old men like ourselves who were once warriors but can’t run the ¼- mile in less than 60 seconds anymore.”

‘You mind, for the record, what your Indian name is?”

“Chief 4-Dog.”

“Well, Chief 4-Dog, why Trump? I mean, why do you support him?”

“He only one who tells the truth. And that’s it. These illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from all Americans, plus with 20+ million fewer illegal immigrants there’ll be that many fewer vehicles on the roads and a corresponding reduction of traffic and accidents.”

“Not to mention the added child molestations, rapes and murders they’ve been guilty of. Okay, not all of them but, like Trump says, one is one too many.”

“You got it. Plus he’s not afraid to mention Muslims are the cause of 9-11, Fort Hood, Chattanooga and the San Bernardino murders. As to whether he has the manhood and dedication to deport the Muslims along with the illegal immigrants remains to be seen, but we’ve got to start somewhere, don’t we?”

“Of course. Care to divulge any more tidbits of information?”

“Be glad to. When we go back to our own tribes we will all recommend that each of us vote for Trump; that each of us make it a habit to always carry a weapon.

“We’ve been, as I’m sure you know, very active in our militias. The surprising thing about the militias is the participation of our womenfolk. Here’s an interesting statistic: there are more squaws than men in our militias. They train harder than the men; they take target practice more seriously than the men do. In every militia the best shooters are women. They hate Islam even more than us men do.”

“Now who would’ve ever thought that?”

“I feel the same way. Anyway, we’ve set up a foolproof communication system like yours. I’d say the Powwow was very successful: we thought we were all on the same page before but now we know we are.”

“That’s real good.”

“There wasn’t an elephant that talked, was there? I tried convincing my wife but wasn’t having any luck. She keeps asking to take the grandkids on a vacation to, as she actually puts it, ‘Converse with Dumbo;’ I kid you not.”

“No kidding? Well, I’ll be. What are the American Indian’s greatest concerns?”

“The safety of the Constitution is, without a doubt, our major concern. I mean, the safety is directly related to the number of Muslims in our country. Let me explain: Islam does not tolerate any competition, and I do mean none. The only possible resolution to THE MUSLIM PROBLEM is to deny, as Trump has suggested, any immigration of Muslims, ONE; and, TWO, deport those who are already here.”

“What about the civil rights of U.S. Muslim citizens?”

“That’s an easy answer to a complicated question. Let’s break it down to common sense:

1)    Islam is a political philosophy.
2)    Islam is NOT a religion.
3)    Islam’s Sharia Law is the ONLY law.
4)    Women are 2nd class citizens.
5)    Women are not allowed to drive.
6)    Women are not to be taught to read.
7)    Women are the subjects of ‘honor killings’.
8)    Killing Jews and Christians and ALL Infidels is the duty of every Muslim.

“There’s more, a lot more. We Indians have always had a personal relationship with dogs, starting way back when the wolf and us fought the bear and the lion. Since then we’ve been on the same side and we have many epic tales of heroic dogs saving whole tribes.

“We honor our dogs. The sled dogs of the Northwest Indians are part of the family and when an old one dies the family mourns as if a child passed. Muslims torture and kill dogs for sport. This we will never accept as rational behavior. Islam is horrible diseases that make people act as if they lost FREE WILL, which they have.

“Reason and sanity have no place in Islam. The white man also has many epic tales of heroic dogs; perhaps the most famous of them all is that of the lead sled dog who saved a town in Alaska from diphtheria in 1925. We have dogs in the military, too, who do an incalculable service for our troops in harm’s way. An entertaining movie about such a dog is MAX.

“There are some great stories and movies about dogs: Rin Tin Tin and Lassie, to name two. Jack London gave us ‘White Fang’ and ‘The Call of the Wild.’ What I’m saying is that Islam is so antithetical to our belief system as to be totally alien with no common ground whatsoever.

“They kill ‘MAN’S BEST FRIEND’ because they enjoy murder; committing torture; like the suffering of others; and the more helpless and innocent they are, the more they wallow in their own depravity, just as they did with those children in Beslan, Russia, on September 1, 2004.*

“Getting back to that sled dog in Alaska delivering the medicine, his name was Balto. They have a statue of him. And speaking of a tear-jerking movie, watch “Hachi, a Dog’s Tale.”

“The point I’m trying to make going off on this dog tangent is to try and explain to your viewers that the followers of Islam have a completely different value system than we do. Their concept of ‘honor’ extends so far as murdering their daughter because she ‘looked at a boy’; wives for making the soup ‘too hot’; or the husband is tired of his wife and wants a ‘child bride.’

“Please listen: there is no possible way whatsoever that we can coincide with Islam. It’s an impossibility, and no matter how much we wish to accommodate Islam into the fold of Western Civilization the end result will ALWAYS BE THE SAME: Muslims murdering Christians and Jews.

“Now, if that isn’t plain enough for even the dumbest to comprehend, I give up. I have a meeting to attend to, so if you’ll excuse me?”

“Yes, of course, Chief 4-Dog. And thank you for your comments about what we think of dogs and what the followers of Islam think. Maybe we’ll get lucky and change someone’s mind about our country and Trump as our leader.

“Okay, that’s it for this episode of ‘Pulse of the Nation.’ So on behalf of my crew I’ll be wishing you all a goodnight: Goodnight.”

“Man, but he’s right about the dogs, isn’t he? Why, they just drive around and shoot dogs, or anything else, for that matter. Ever watch one of those ISIS videos when they take over a town and just drive around killing people for the fun of it? They’re really sick people, the whole lot of them, what, 1.5 billion?

“Anyway, good show. Let’s grab our burgers then hit the road. My treat.”

*The followers of Islam are beyond our comprehension. Nothing in Western Civilization, from its very infancy, from the earliest recorded history of Greek and Roman culture, to the time before Beowulf, Lord Randall, and the Iliad, have we seen such institutionalized cruelty sanctioned by the followers of the Death Cult known as Islam.

What happened in Beslan, Russia is but a prelude of the bloodbath that awaits us all unless we get a grip on the truth that is the reality of today’s world.

I suggest each of our readers investigate what it was that the Muslim men were required to do to the female children before they murdered them.

Horror beyond belief and it’s not only the Muslim reality but now ours as well.

Pay attention. Our next president may very well have a direct input on how you or the next generation of Americans will meet their end.

Semper Fi


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