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by OPOVV, ©2015

(Jan. 12, 2015) — You are about to embark on a journey through time, yet you will remain in the same physical location you are now in. And as neutrinos, your atoms will not interfere with anything, not even gravity waves. This trip is one of the imagination, which knows no bounds.

You are sitting on a mountain top somewhere in Pennsylvania. The blanket you share is of an Indian Chief, who speaks to you: “Listen, Child, the year on your calendar reads 1400. Look at the forests and the streams, and the three great buffalo herds, East, Midwest and West. See the prairie grass, the flocks of birds migrating so as to block the sunlight for days. The flooding of the rivers is gradual. This is what future generations of you people will call sustainable.”

He shows you the changes in our country, the arrival of the Pilgrims, Simon Kenton, and the Conestoga Wagon. When he points to the last passenger pigeon lying dead, you see a tear drop as his voice falters.

He shows you vast tracts of old-growth timber, not measured in acres, but in thousands of square miles clear-cut to make room for the vast migration West. He points out that steam engines were powered by coal mined in West Virginia and then shows you modern diesel engines powered by Arab oil.

He calmly and patiently explains the devastation wrought by the TVA and the other great hydroelectric-producing systems throughout the land, but adds that, without cheap electrical power, the ability to produce aluminum and the atomic bomb, we may have lost World War II. He also adds that, even though he has the power to go back in time, he cannot change the outcome of history.

He wishes he could. He wishes he could have instilled an ounce of vision into the Founding Fathers: “Clear-cut Ye Shall NOT.” But, alas, that is not to be, to our demise, to our self-administered drug that we called “Manifest Destiny,” as if naming an action pardons our sins.

We see evidence of our callous behavior toward our land every day. In the early 1970’s there was a banyan tree in Boca Raton, FL that was the home of thousands of birds it was so large, but it was replaced with a slab of asphalt because it didn’t fit into the scheme of a straight road rather than a curve. The same could be said of a rose bush that was as large as a maple tree in Washington State at an on-ramp to I-94. But when aesthetics raise their ugly head, then all bets are off. There was a park in Lantana, FL that had hundred-year-old oak trees that didn’t fit into some thought-challenged city employee’s vision of what the park should look like, so the trees were cut (murdered) to make room for palm trees.

The Chief taps you on the shoulder and says, “Pay attention. I used to have a television commercial where I pointed out pollution and the destruction of the land. If I had more time, I’d have taken them down to the Mississippi River delta and shown a water sample laced with deadly toxins. But they didn’t give me enough time. They said one tear was enough. They said not to use the word ‘disposable.’ I said I had more tears, but they didn’t want to see any more. They were too sad.”

The Chief takes your hand in his and looks into your eyes. “Listen, Child, this planned obsolescence has crept into your soul. It has infected you. You have the technology to do great things, yet you soil your cage. You breed as the rabbits. You poison your veins with heroin and your lungs with air pollution: it’s all the same, but you don’t know it.

“You have a cupboard of time-saving devices, but you have a life span that cannot be changed. Don’t you know that you are now living at 100%? That the living that you are now doing is at full speed? Yes, there are times when your heart rate increases and the adrenaline flows, but whatever time piece you’re carrying is still ticking at the same rate, irrespective of giving birth or dodging a bullet.

“And here it is, 2015, and the vision that your leaders have is one of capitulation, of defeat. Why, you still can’t put up an apartment complex without bulldozing every tree in sight, which carries over into how you view the rest of the world, as if there’s always a tomorrow where you get to rewind and change the outcome and make things right.

“No can do, sorry. Your mindset has been tampered with. Somewhere along the way you lost it, you lost the vision of America. We Indians signed up with your journey into the future, but that was then, and this is now.

“You blew it. You went the way of the USSR, where expedience took precedence over correctness. You manufacture in China. China isn’t America. But you turned a blind eye as you looked into the mirror. You’re destroying the vision of America’s freedom, of giving the peoples of the world hope for the future.

“Look at those who wish to be the next president. Why, if any of them came into my teepee I’d scalp them, all of them, for being traitors to your country. No truth will ever emerge from their lips. Jeb Bush’s ‘Illegal immigrants cross the border for love’; Hillary’s ‘What difference does it make if I lied?’; Romney and ALL the others to say ‘Birther.’

“I’m tired now. It’s all been a monumental strain on my people watching you destroy something so wonderful. We wish we could’ve come up with such a Constitution as you have, but we didn’t: you did, and all you’re doing with it is tearing it to shreds with your ineligible de facto joke of a cheap-suited president (Obama).

“Shame on you all, and that includes every Obot and military person. Ride’s over. Please get off of my blanket.

“Now you get to wake up and look around at the world you created. Welcome to your nightmare. You’ve corrupted your Manifest Destiny. Fix it.”

Semper Fi


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