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by OPOVV, ©2015

(Jan. 7, 2015) — “Hello. Roving Reporter here attending the journalists’ ‘Who’s Minding the Store?’ national convention here in Peoria, Illinois. They figure ‘if it don’t fly in Peoria, it don’t fly anywhere,’ which is why they gather here to see what’ll fly or, to put it more plainly, what stories the public will accept, for lack of a better word.

“The forum that they use has been in play since the first convention back in the middle 1800’s. They would gather in the hotel bar and discuss the events of the day and choose a number of ‘spins,’ then out they would go to see how much of the make-believe the public could take.

“It’s a fun time for the reporters, living it up on almost unlimited expense accounts and making-up ‘facts’ to fit the stories of the day. Case in point is the infamous ‘You can keep you doctor,’ which was coined by one of our own, by the way. Which leads me into the joke: what’s the difference between a speech writer and a journalist? A speech writer is overt while a journalist is covert, yet writing the same copy.

“It’s 8:00 am and the bar is open. What say we go on in and find out what the topic of the day is?

“Hello. This is Roving Reporter trying to find out what the topic of the day is. What say you?”

“Me? I just do what all the other fine, upstanding members of the press do: follow the dictates of the White House. Here, let me give you a couple of examples. Remember the ‘Beltway Sniper?’ Terrorist attacks by Muslims. And just recently those two cops were murdered in Brooklyn by a Muslim who went to a mosque and then committed a terrorist attack on them.

“The bottom line is that the common denominator is that of Islam’s never-ending war on Western Civilization, but we can’t print that, because then we’d get the DOJ, IRS, DHS and the FCC attacking us on all directions on behalf of the White House. We can’t print that CAIR is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood, an terrorist organization just as dangerous as ISIS.

“Let me ask you this: who’d you rather shoot you, al Qaeda or the Muslim Brotherhood? Right, it doesn’t make a hoot of difference: dead is dead. And we keep hearing about the ‘moderate’ Muslim. That’s like saying there’s a distinct group of females who are ‘just a little bit pregnant.’ Either you are or you are not, and if you’re not, at least stand up and say so. At least stand up and denounce the destructive Muslim violence.

“And there’s another point. Remember when the Americans pulled out of South Vietnam? It gave birth to the Khmer Rouge. America’s pull-out from Iraq gave birth to ISIS, and when we leave Afghanistan it will be yet another catastrophic failure by our foreign policy idiots, the State Department, now led by John Kerry and formerly led by Hillary, who let those four Americans die in Benghazi or stood back and watched it happen. Either way, she’s implicated big-time.

“But we can’t report on the truth; all we can report is what we jokingly call shadow truths, passing lies along as if we’re in control of our minds. So much for original thoughts; there are no original thoughts in the press: it’s all PR (public relations) from the White House.”

“Thank you. Well, I sure as heck didn’t expect the truth to emerge from any of the attendees here at the ‘Who’s Minding the Store?’ convention; I mean, considering that during the last seven years our mainstream media has failed miserably on reporting Obama’s Constitutional ineligibility, the greatest crime against the United States in its whole history.

“I mean, think of it: the biggest crime perpetrated against the American people and the media is silent on it. Incredible. So what is the cost of freedom these days? I’ll tell you what the cost is. The cost is the defeat of the Truth by deception; honor smothered by behind-closed-doors deals; members of Congress failing to uphold their Oath of office; and journalists, including those in television, placing job security over reporting facts.

“The cost of freedom comes down to this, as far as journalists go: as simple as just not doing their job. Failure to report anything other than the facts is reporting lies, and the overwhelming majority of our journalists are guilty as sin. Freedom starts with ‘Freedom of Speech’ (freedom to speak, write, and drawing cartoons). It’s a sad state of affairs when everything that comes out of the White House is nothing but lies, but then, after all, it’s all ONE BIG LIE TO START WITH: Barack Hussein Obama.”

Semper Fi





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