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by Dwight Kehoe, Editor, TPATH, ©2014

The PARTY will soon be over?

(Nov. 1, 2014) — It’s November, there is a chill in the air, the munchkin Halloweeners are home sorting their stash and parents are scrambling to secure a babysitter for that annual Saturday Night costume party.

For those who refuse to see, for those who refuse to notice, and for all of those who may inadvertently hear the Main Stream Media echoing in the background how wonderful life is under utopian-minded Socialist Democrats, as they transform themselves from loving parents, into ghouls, zombies and other creatures of dread, anticipating the night’s coming festivities, be warned all ye, that that fanciful evening ahead will soon give way to a frightening graveyard reality.

We wish that all of you enjoy this weekend’s merriment.  But at the same time we hope each of you understands that your upcoming Sunday morning hangover will be nothing compared to the hangover this country and the world are now agonizing through as a result of the scavengers we the people have either voted for or looked the other way as elections were purloined.

Before we get into endorsements and Public Questions, a quick note about the Republican Party.  As many of you know, I have flirted with the notion that it is time to abandon them and begin the long, painful process of creating a third-party movement. That no longer is the case.  Here are the main reasons.

 1. The Democratic Party has become so radical, so un-American, so un-Constitutional that they need to be stopped, now. And if stopping them in their tracks is not doable, they need to be curtailed.

2. While Conservatives are building a new party, the Democrats will have a free hand destroying what’s left of our liberties.

3. By the time a new party is viable, our country will be lost.  Our culture will be lost.  Our freedoms will be lost.  Our financial stability will be lost.  Our right to defend ourselves will be lost. Short of an armed rebellion, there will be nothing left for this new party to save.

4. The time for armed conflict may come, but if the mayhem, the loss of life, many of which will be that of your children, we must give more effort to working to change the only vehicle we really have a chance to affect:  The Republican Party.

5. And then there is this. What is it that would guarantee that after years of struggle, years of allowing the Democrats a free run at our liberties, that this new and viable party would not, as all power groups do, also become engulfed in corruption?  Of course there can be no such guarantee.

As we have written before, redirecting the Republican Party, infusing it with a backbone, will not be easy.  It will be a long, hard process.  A process that has, as we speak, made some inroads.  Also, it is human nature and therefore cannot be discounted that as the RINOs are slowly weeded out and more conservatives are elected, many of those “on-the-fence” conservatives will become more bold and join the right side.

The downside, of course, is that this will take years.  But the upside is, and there is an upside, during this time there will be a least some deterrent to the communists trying to destroy our country.  It is clearly understood that this is not a great scenario. But for the sake of our children and our country, it’s all we have.

Anyone who has ever needed to build a campfire to cook, to stay warm or to dry wet clothing knows that a box of matches would be great.  But starting the fire by rubbing two sticks together in a bed of dry tinder may take a long, hard try, and in the end, the fire may not ever start.

A box of matches and some lighter fluid are not about to materialize out of thin air.  If you wait long enough, some good Samaritan may come by and build you a fire, but it is more likely you will freeze to death first. So you had better decide to get that dry tinder and some sticks ready to begin building that metaphoric fire under those old RINOs.

Keeping in mind that many of the Republicans you will need to vote for on Tuesday are not deserving of your vote, it is important to remember that the worst of them are thousands of times better than any Democrat.  Any seat that is lost to the leftists is one more step they need in their goal of regaining the leadership in the House or holding on to it in the Senate.

There are many primaries ahead. At least there will be if we manage to hold the left at bay.  Conservatives will win some and we will, at first, lose more than we win.  It might seem like leveling a mountain with a jeweler’s hammer, but chip, chip away we must. While we do this, it is also our duty to hold off the godless hoards of the left. It’s understood that many will say, and to a certain extent they will be correct, that a large majority of the Republicans we are about to cast a vote for are no better than the Democrats. That sounds good, it makes us feel as if we have awakened to some new reality, but the big picture is what needs to be addressed here.  We right the Republican Party, or we wrong our country.

What has this been leading up to? Very simple. It is imperative that as many Democrats are removed from positions of power as possible, at the end of the day, come November 4th.  To that end, TPATH and TeamNJ are endorsing every Republican on your ballot, many of whom will be in our sights in the next primary.  But our long-term goal requires that some of us will need to cast a vote for the lesser of two evils.

Finally, here in New Jersey, the leftists are once again trying to diminish our freedoms, waste our tax dollars and alter the State Constitution to do it.

Here it is, both

Public Question # 1 – If this passes, the state of New Jersey will be allowed to arrest and hold anyone they choose without allowing for bail.  This in a sense would be declaring every defendant to be guilty simply because he/she had been arrested.  There are sufficient laws on the books that would deny bail to very dangerous persons.  That of course is a good thing.  What is not a good thing is to put anyone arrested, for any supposed infraction, in jeopardy of being locked away for years, without a trial.  This proposed change to New Jersey’s Constitution indicates just how far left its lawmakers have swung. This would open the door for many convenient incarcerations.  Ask yourself, do you trust anyone in government to wield this type of power over you?

Public Question # 2 This stinks of Agenda 21 and the New World Order.  In the guise of protecting pristine land, the state of New Jersey is about to ask the people to authorize it to confiscate land which could be used by the public for homes, businesses or other endeavors.  They will use billions of taxpayers’ dollars to acquire public lands that would prevent citizens from accessing or owning it.  New Jersey already owns over 25% of the total land in this state.  That, my friends, is not only enough; it’s too much.

As the golfer in the Aflac commercial says when he’s asked, “Is that legal?” the answer is 


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Stephen Hiller
Sunday, November 2, 2014 9:03 AM

Your #5 … that is a perfect description of the Republican Party already. And to answer your question in “Public question #1”, do I trust ANYONE in government? – you can guess my answer to that.