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by OPOVV, ©2014

Where is the “hope” now?

(Oct. 6, 2014) — Exalted One: “Tell me, then, what is it that you’ve learned?”

Messenger: “O Exalted One, we learned that they have the most strange saying. They say, ‘Shooting yourself-in-the-foot,” and if that isn’t weird enough, they know what they’re talking about and even laugh at themselves for it. Truly, O Exalted One, it is something to behold.”

Exalted One: “Yes, I’m sure it is, but do they really mean to shoot themselves in the foot, or is it something other than to really shoot themselves in the foot?”

Messenger: “Well, O Exalted One, it’s a little bit of both. I mean, they think that it’s just a figure of speech, but, in reality, they’re just too dumb to know the difference. Here’s a for-instance: they voted for this clown who calls himself ‘Obama,’ but nobody seems to know his real name, and for the first four years as the president he just made everything worse for the people he was supposed to represent.”

Exalted One: “Worse? How so, and wasn’t he reelected?”

Messenger: “That’s quite correct, O Exalted One, he was reelected, and this was after the country’s price of energy DOUBLED! A gallon of gas was twice as much as when he first took office, but that’s the way it was planned. You see, the Welfare people don’t drive to work anyway so they’re not affected, and the rich are also not affected, but the middle class is.  The people who work and pay the taxes got the short end of the Obama deal.”

Exalted One: “But something doesn’t make any sense here. If the middle class are the ones who were cheated by Obama, then for sure they wouldn’t have voted for Obama to deceive them for another four years.”

Messenger: “O Exalted One, you hit the nail on the head. You see, these ‘elections’ Americans say they have are as crooked as a Cook County voter registration census.”

Exalted One: “But Obama is still the president. Unbelievable. So everyone is behind the charade? So the Joint Chiefs of Staff are just waiting around, for what? The other shoe to drop?”

Messenger: “So true, O Exalted One. They say they’re waiting for an excuse, any excuse to declare Martial Law, but not all at once. They’ll do it in small steps, just as the TSA is small step #1, and people bought into the joke, as if county employees at our nation’s airports somehow, by mysterious magical powers, no doubt about it, became, overnight, concerned with airport security. Or this Ebola thing; the point is that it’ll be something, anything, that they’ll try and sell; count on it. Ha!”

Exalted One: “Ha?”

Messenger: “Excuse me, O Exalted One, but the joke about county employees and, by association, any government employee’s motivation, is anything other than their pension is totally alien.  The concept of ‘work’ has never entered the lexicon of a government employee’s description of whatever it is that they do.  Even though some mean well and try their best, it’s just not enough.”

Exalted One: “I’m confused. Are you saying, ‘They don’t know,’ or are you saying, ‘They don’t care’?”

Messenger: “All of the above, O Exalted One. Following the ‘leader,’ voting ‘Party,’ all marching to their doom with blinders on. Shooting themselves in the foot.”

Exalted One: “Ah, I understand! So Obama is the ‘Pied Piper’ leading the American people to total destruction, step-by-step, slowly, ever-so-slowly.  Indeed: ‘Shooting Themselves in the foot.’”

Semper Fi


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