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by OPOVV, ©2014

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery

(May 26, 2014) — Dead. Gone, yet remembered. They’re buried all over the place, from the depths of the Bering Sea to the blistering sands of Africa. They knew what they were fighting for, that’s true, but what’s more important, they all knew what they were fighting against: mindless governments that break down the human factor as “producing units,” and nothing more. Fighting for initiative: fighting against the status quo, which works out as one’s desire to believe the propaganda spewed by governments.

It is true that all of us don’t believe in lies; we believe the truth set before us: businesses closing, one here, 300 there. Fast food franchises boarding up; office supply stores closing; every store imaginable shutting down. Hardest hit? Zoos run by donations; horse-boarding farms; more and more cats and dogs being abandoned by their irresponsible owners. Don’t the owners know that it’s more humane to take the animal to a shelter? They’re not, like, going to be arrested or charged any fee. It’s free (ASPCA). Maybe the animal that’s given to a shelter will have a chance to live the rest of its life in a good home, who knows, but it’s better than living as a homeless-starving-diseased-malnourished-pain-ridden walking corpse.

When I was a little kid, my parents took me to Arlington National Cemetery, where I watched the changing of the guard at the “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.” I used to think that one poor unlucky soldier was buried there, until I found out what happens on a real battlefield years later: there are many parts of bodies from many people buried in that tomb, and only God knows who they are.

I suppose, if one were so inclined, one could blame the chaos around the world today on the treaties that emerged from World War I. Heck, one could make the case for going back to the Trojan War, I suppose. We could say that the Cold War originated because the West gave Stalin half of Europe after World War II; because the Allies agreed to an Armistice in Korea; America’s fear of crossing the DMZ in Vietnam*, or of being incapable of identifying the enemy we are facing today: Islam’s creeping Sharia.

No matter how you cut it, no matter how you excuse it, no matter how you live it, it ALL comes back to the Constitution: it’s the reason, THE ONLY REASON, why we have our dead military buried all over the globe. They did not die for glory, fame and fortune, land and slaves, or for adventure. No, they died in the steadfast belief in our Constitution. Each one of our military dead who we so honor this day, this Memorial Day, share a binding bond with us, the living: their Oath, to defend and protect the Constitution until death. So we remember those who served and gave their lives so we may honor them by reaffirming our commitment to our Constitution. God bless America.

The book has yet to be written. Our lives are but one chapter in that book and, someday, we too will be among the dead. Let us not toil over the past, but rather, let us make a new and exciting sentence for ourselves in declaring that we, the living, truly honor those who died so we can live in FREEDOM.

Semper Fi until Death

*We were afraid of the Chinese getting upset if we crossed the DMZ, just as we were afraid of the Chinese in the Korean War. The United States turned tail in both wars, and we’re still afraid of the Chinese. We borrow money from them; we allow the Chinese to buy American businesses and land; we give them “Most Favored Nation Trade Status” so they can dump their goods on our shores paying little or no tariffs; and our government hasn’t stood up to anyone in over a half of century: all we do is give lip service and our State Department gives, whoever our enemy is, taxpayer money to the tune of billions. And so we’re to honor our military dead who, I’m sorry to say, just may have given their lives in vain. So much for General Eric K. Shinseki, the head of the VA: he allows portraits of the de facto lying-cheap-suit-Muslim-bum president Obama to be hung in every VA hospital, the traitor.


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