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by OPOVV, ©2014

Why are there year-long waiting lists at the Veterans Administration hospitals?

(May 22, 2014) — I’ve been going to the VA for over 40 years. I’ve always been treated fairly and been completely satisfied with my care unti Obama became the de facto Chief-Clown-Major-Embarrassment president. I’ve been treated for everything from broken bones to things that are difficult to “nail down,” and it doesn’t shame me in the least to say that, if it weren’t for the VA, I’d have most likely eaten a bullet by now. I used to smoke cigarettes, including the kind that just-makes-you-stupid (marijuana), drink and take drugs, but with the VA’s assistance, my own stubbornness and pride, and with the divine intervention of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, I learned that the steadfast belief of “hope” is worth the trouble; that the chance to make amends is a noble cause; that to get on one’s knees and say “I’m sorry,” and mean it, is perhaps the most honorable thing a person can do for another.

I used to have the desire to “turn back” time until I came to the conclusion that we’re all part of a picture a lot bigger than our own selfish dreams and aspirations. “If only I could make her happy, then I would be happy, too,” is often heard at the gatherings of shell-shocked people. And then you learn that, out here in “The World,” people “just don’t got your back,” and for you to put your life in the hands of another, only to be lied to, is a bit much. We all went through the same thing; it wasn’t just me. We used to wonder what happened to those women:  where are they now and are they doing the same now as they did to us then?

No matter. You never get “well,” or “over it”: the very best that can be expected is that you just put it aside and go on. The dreams are the toughest part, to that I can attest. It took me 17 years for me to say (to whatever part of my brain was doing it to me),  “That’s the last time,” and it was. It’s as if I remember it as well as I remember where I was on November 22, 1963 and September 11, 2001.

The VA likes to dump pills on you, and that’s okay as far as it goes, but what’s NOT anywhere near okay is when the pills are gone; then what happens? I’ll tell you what happens:  people go BONKERS, that’s what. They should have some kind of “weaning” pills, or something to make the transition from the state of being “on” pills to being “off” pills a heck of a lot smoother. My solution was to flush the pills and just get drunk. But that was 20 years ago and my cure was complete, maybe for all the wrong reasons, but, nevertheless, the results speak for themselves: drug-free; no smoke, drugs or alcohol.

The VA helped me, until, as I was saying, Obama came on the scene. Before 2009, no problems, ever. After 2009, it’s as if the attitude changed, although not by everyone, mind you. Here’s an example: I had a hernia, so, after seeing everyone, surgeon, anesthesiologist, and having all of my blood work up-to-date, I was scheduled for an October operation: “We’ll send you a letter.”

The letter never came. I called and was told that my operation was rescheduled one year later! I asked why and was told that was the way it is. It is well and good that I am a calm and peaceful kind of person. Twenty years ago, who knows? Bottom line? The VA is messing with something they have no idea about. Stir up the ire of shell-shocked veterans and take the chance to “Reap the Wrath of Hell.” Right now, I’m not on anyone’s waiting list, but this I will say: I’m going to start watching my fellow veterans’ backs, because the VA, even though they’re supposed to, isn’t.

Semper Fi


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Robert Laity
Friday, May 23, 2014 8:51 AM

“What’s so bad about the guy in the White House”? Where do I start
Obama has no “Heart”. Obama is Notre Dame’s “Dr” of Death. He has usurped the Presidency,by fraud,during time of war. That makes Obama a spy under the UCMJ. Obama is evil. He is a muslim supremacist and “Devout” Muslim. Being a “Devout” Muslim is not a good thing. A “Good” Muslim is not the same as a “Good” Christian or a “Good” Jew. Being a “Good” Christian means loving your neighbor and giving to the poor. Being a “Good” Muslim means hating your own flesh and blood,killing your neigbors and giving “Zakat” ( a muslim “Charity”) one eighth of which is dedicated to paying the Islamic Military. Obama supports the culture of death and wants “Death to America” as any “good” muslim does. “I support Zakat”-Barack Obama

Stephen Hiller
Thursday, May 22, 2014 2:42 PM

P.S. – he hates our economy too.

Stephen Hiller
Thursday, May 22, 2014 2:42 PM

So what’s so bad about the guy in the White House? So he hates the military, so what? So he hates gun owners, so what? So he hates the best health care system in the world (liberal dictators come here), so what? So he hates our southern border, so what? So he hates white folk (which he is supposedly part), so what? There must be something to like if a bunche of people voted for him (some a few times).