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by New York Grassroots Groups

(Apr. 21, 2014) — NOTE: This note is for those who know OUR Minuteman Missions: We are currently in a planning phase of a major mission. This mission will be an entire weekday and for most a long journey. As most are aware – we can’t reveal the details too soon. Are YOU interested in an Action Packed Adventure? OR Do YOU have a vehicle for flag waving mobile visual signage? – If so, please email Al at albel1@aol.com for confidential planning.

There were shots heard all over NYS Saturday April 19 – PATRIOTS DAY – Thanks to all the faithful Americans who took part in commemorating one of the most important days in American History.

Gouverneur, NY. Many thanks to Dean for organizing a great event – Fantastic Job – WE all Thank YOU.

350 to 400 Great Americans stood at attention for a thrilling tribute to the courage and dedication of OUR forefathers. I had never witnessed the blast of a cannon – WOW – it was more intense than I imagined. As WE stood there with our hats over our hearts, you could feel the extreme passion of Americanism building. I looked around as the fuse was lit and saw postures straighten and chests expanding to the brim. The cannon blast was filled with smoke, fire and a deafening sound of glory. The blast caused an appropriate strip of grass fire. It was followed by a roar of the crowd that nearly matched that of the cannon – it was truly inspiring! This was followed by watery-eyed Americans with strong voices reciting OUR Pledge of Allegiance – thrilling to say the least. This moment made me realize the importance of OUR movement. The meaning of OUR efforts for FULL Repeal of the Safe Act goes far beyond words. All I can say is…. I Will NOT Quit – I Will NOT Back Down……. Could it be that America is depending on US?

We then went into the VFW – all seats were filled and standing room only packed the room with 250 people (that’s all it could fit). Many went to the Banner truck and OUR tables in the bar. MERT filmed the entire presentation so I will wait for the videos to email some exciting details – stay tuned for some great speeches.

OUR Mission: Never The End – Always just the beginning until WE Achieve FULL Repeal of the Safe Act…….. Friends, Neighbors, Countrymen – matters not if YOU are for or against what WE term as Tyrannical gun control – it is YOUR Rights WE are Fighting for. Join US in Civic Duty. March with US in OUR quest for FREEDOM and LIBERTY….. Vote ‘em out – Vote ‘em in – in the end it will be up to “We the People”. Think about this; Their power comes from OUR money – BOYCOTT Get Connected by email – albel1@aol.com …..” Sign Me Up” !!!!

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014 12:55 PM

Thanks for sharing that Moment with the Minuteman on Patriot Day. Very inspiring and a great read!
Cody Robert Judy