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by Cody Robert Judy, ©2014, blogging at CodyJudy

(Mar. 11, 2014) — The Biblical Prophet Daniel was a beloved man of God. He sought earnestly to repent and to understand God’s word. He was hated by his peers and many of his colleagues who sought earnestly to actually wipe him completely out with the most wicked schemes.

One such scheme was to get King Darius to pass a law that no one would seek any other wisdom or ask a petition of any God or man for 30 days, save to the King, or be cast into the Lion’s Den. Daniel was Darius’s second appointed over a hundred and twenty princes who ruled throughout the Kingdom.

As Daniel prayed with his windows open to God these men saw him and reported it to Darius who was so upset because he was bound to the law he had signed. This was a period in history where we actually see that the President was bound to the law and to executing the law unlike Obama who just changes it to fit him and his parties needs as we have seen him do with Obamacare, that actually has never been signed by a qualified president.

Well, maybe you know the rest of the story and you might say unfortunately for Daniel the trap these men set snapped shut on him. They believed their plan had in fact worked. The King regretfully subjected to the law and Daniel was basically given a death sentence for his religious practice of praying to God and was cast into the Lions’ Den.

The King was up all night just fretting himself and when he arose very early in the morning running down to the den of lions he called out, “Oh Daniel, servant of the living God, is thy God, whom thou servest continually able to deliver the from the lions?” Dan 6: 20.

What a relief came over him to hear Daniels voice return the greeting and report an angel of the Lord had been sent to shut the lion’s mouth and they had not hurt him all night, then the King authorized some of his soldiers to feed the lions with the accusers of Daniel who had urged him to pass the law and they instead of Daniel filled the lion’s hungry bellies. Amazing story of a hug from a wild lion here.

Daniel received a lot he didn’t understand in dreams and visions, even as we do sometimes that we can hardly wrap our head around. Jesus taught in parables while he walked the Earth and often times that’s exactly what he has the Angels’ teaching you in your dreams today. You just have to figure them out.

That’s not to say every dream is of earth-shattering importance to you, but it’s not really saying it isn’t either. I always wonder at the weak mindedness of those who revel in stating something won’t happen in deference to you about the future and then deny they are actually engaged in “Prophesying” something on someone’s authority, or maybe even their own.

Truly it is our humbling opportunity to eat your own words and I don’t think there’s anyone born who learns how to talk who doesn’t get that opportunity even a few times. I know I’ve had my share, and if something is given simply for the purpose of creating a yard that no one will even look at anymore, just for the purpose of laying down the truth in it for everyone to see the next week, you’d grasp perhaps a little tiny principle of walking in God’s ‘faith’.

Yes, God can feed anyone of us to the lions and he also can send his Angels to protect us from getting eaten up by them.

As I said, Daniel saw many visions some that absolutely had nothing to do with his time, but as he learned from the interpretations given to him by Angels, had everything to do with what was termed “the end” or in Daniel 8:17 says, “at the time of the end shall be the vision.”

Remember Daniel was actually taken as a captive or slave of Babylon and in chapter eight was under Darius who would eventually be overthrown by Alexander the Great in 330 B.C. after Philip of Macedon was slain, and the battle of Arbela took place in Syria and Egypt as its been articulated in the movie ALEXANDER Colin Farrell as Alexander ,and starred Angelina Jolie as his mother with Val Kilmer playing Philip.

So isn’t it a little intriguing to think of Daniel actually receiving prophesy for our times seeing the successions of world monarchies? It’s also interesting to see other people’s takes on this or that which has happened in their mind, thus giving them allowance to dismiss this or that in the Bible as irrelevant.

Another movie comes to my mind, “10,000 B.C.” a Rowland Emmerich film starring Steven Strait, Camilla Belle, Cliff Curtis, where saddened by the events and overwhelming odds, his dyeing friend and the leader of his tribe in his arm says, “ Remember, a prophesy can have many faces and can come true in many ways. Remember your father..” or something to that effect, anyway.

It is true, prophesy can have many faces and come true in many different ways, one of those kind of smacked me in the head the other day when I realized we might be seeing one of those taking place right now.

Christians all over have been in a totally disheartened state with the understanding that Barack Obama was not qualified for the Office of the President according to the Constitution’s demand for a ‘natural born citizen (born in the U.S. to Citizen parents) at least according to the narrative Obama has claimed with Obama receiving his dual citizenship of Kenya through his narrative father Barack Obama Senior his supposed mother under eighteen, and also being officially adopted by his step father as an Indonesian Citizen which garnered his name Barry Soetoro in his foreign grade school entrance records.

Many supposing the whole qualification argument of Barack Obama being a natural born citizen lay upon his birthplace which he claimed true through the records he supplied to the Media in his long and short form fabrications.

Of course it has been these fabricated documents that law enforcement professionals associated with Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse have been diving into yielding the results they are 100% sure the identification documents fed to the Media are nothing but computer generated forgeries and bad ones at that.

Now aside from the legal perspectives there is a spiritual perspective all of us here in the United States hope to uphold in the word “Equality under the law” known just like we say it in the pledge of allegiance “and to the Republic for which we stand, one Nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”

That little sentence says a whole lot about what America was founded upon and polished with as a goal. Of course we know justice sometimes escapes those seeking it here on Earth. I myself wholeheartedly understand that, with quite a bit of experience of not getting justice in many cases, including some that had to do with my serving time in prison. I wrote extensively about this in my book “Taking a Stand – The Conservative Independent Voice,” available on nook-book also for like eight dollars.

Many think the basics of law would never be violated that we have come to understand and almost take for granted. Rights to evidence used against you in a court of law seems pretty basic, but it’s one that escaped me with a District Judge who also was as a Bishop in the LDS Church under the authority of the Acting President of the Church I interrupted, and the public for that matter, that went clear to the United States Supreme Court and they decided it didn’t affect enough people for them to give it a look. So there I sat in prison; justice escaped me, and I suffered penalties I should never have had to under the Constitution in an unlawful prosecution a little over 21 years ago now.

Many think their “religious interpretations of the cannons” are a pretty basic right but news papers in Utah sold millions of news papers printed that I had a ‘fake bomb’, which had nothing to do with my charges and were outright slanderous of my own LDS religions interpretations of the cannons at that time, as I had a Book Of Mormon, abbreviated B.O.M., which that particular faith believes is not fake at all.

Being framed in the digital world and having your rights stripped from you is something I had a lot of experience in coming out of eight years in prison with evidence supporting me that no one was hurt, no property was damaged, no ransoms sought and no weapon of any sort upon me in a religious meeting with my interpretation represented as the only evidence blown up by S.W.A.T. It’s a great testament of just how the ‘anti-Christian’ fervor can grab a whole state and it can be framed by the media in just the right way to deceive everyone. People were a lot less likely to believe the Media could be so deceptive even 10 years ago, but with what’s happened with Obama they believe it now, Sharyl Attkisson just resigned from CBS.

Many would think with my squeaky clean past not having a juvenile or prior adult record and a clean bill of health mentally given by a psychologist, who actually used to be the head of the Church’s department, would be enough to ease your way through three years of parole. That wasn’t to be the case.

Read the rest here.

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