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by New York State Grassroots Groups

George Clinton was the first governor of New York

(Feb. 17, 2014) — The results of this poll will identify, categorize and recognize the current gubernatorial candidates.

Voting as of Sunday, February 16, 2014, 12:00 noon

Who should run for NY governor in 2014?

*Other (specify) (0 %)
Steve McLaughlin (30 %)
Donald Trump (15 %)
Rob Astorino (15 %)
Carl Paladino (38 %)
Andrew Cuomo (0 %)
Betsy McCaughey (0 %)

YOUR VOTE: Click Here:http://webideaz.com/sanityinny/poll/nygov.html

Thank You for YOUR Participation.

The Voice Of The People Shall Be Heard.

YOUR Vote Counts

YOUR Vote will influence which candidates will run for the next Governor of New York.

Unlike most polls where a specific organization polls a targeted and specific segment of the population this poll is open and available for ALL people to vote.

The intention of this Poll is to gather an unbiased picture of the REAL sentiment of as broad as possible cross section of the people.

1 VOTE per person – then promote the People’s Poll to others:

While most of US dislike politics and believe OUR opinions do not count – that aint true. It is up to US to stop the endless drivel government thrusts on US. WE MUST participate in the distasteful process. Join the movement of a very LOUD VOICE that intends to defend our Civil and Constitutional Rights and take control our own destiny.

Grassroots are organizing in every corner of OUR state. Join any or many of the coalitions – do it today!

Get Connected to OUR email list – it’s FREE –  UPDATES –albel1@aol.com ……” sign me up

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