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by OPOVV, ©2014

The first edition of Robinson Crusoe was published on April 25, 1719

(Feb. 8, 2014) — Indeed, we live in a crazy upside-down world. The whole idea of breaking the political ties with King George III was to have a voice, an input, in the future of any individual. We are astute enough to accept the fact that the only way for one to be totally and completely “free” would be to live the life of Robinson Crusoe, but even then, convention rears its head when Friday enters the picture.

It is the interaction with other human beings that separates the civilized person from the savage. That said, it’s hard to ignore England’s Debtor’s Prisons, the exploitation of child labor, and cruelty to animals, especially that of the ponies who toiled in the coal mines. And then, in the 20th century, we have Germany, which reached the focal point of Enlightenment, only to be ground into dust by the Nazi Regime.

Today, in the 21st century, we have the United States with a people who seem to be willingly led by the nose, just as the Germans were in the 1930’s, giving up their freedoms to be exploited, sent out as cannon fodder, the suspension of social norms, only to be, at the end, ground to dust. As it is written, “Ashes to ashes.”

No, we cannot see the future, but one only has to study the past to understand that whenever a people regress; whenever freedoms are voluntarily diminished; whenever lies replace the Truth; and whenever work is replaced with sloth, then destruction is sure to follow. It is inevitable. It is the only possible outcome among unlimited possibilities. No good has ever come out of laziness, “entitlements,” or “freebees.” Socialism has never worked; exploitation cannot endure; lies eventually see the light of day; Truth is revealed. The question is, what price to pay in suffering and death until the yoke is discarded for freedom?

The myriad of different utopias possible on our planet is only as endless as our imagination. Possibly, for each country there could, conceivably, be a truly wonderful place in which to raise the next generation. But look around: gangs have spread out to the suburbs; drugs are everywhere; that politicians are corrupt is a given (Secretaries of State remain oblivious that Obama was never vetted and, therefore, had no legal grounds to be on the 2008 and 2012 presidential ballots); mainstream media don’t report facts; our money is, for all intents and purposes, worthless.

Maybe if we each had our own personal spacecraft and could choose among the endless planets to escape to, or had the money to buy an island, things would be different. But, alas, we have to face the reality that has been dealt to us. The hand which you and I hold has no wild cards, but the hand that the government holds has wildcards: the IRS and NSA spying on us; Homeland Security protecting Muslims but not us (Ft. Hood – workplace violence?!); an Attorney General who refuses to uphold the laws of the land; the Department of Homeland Security targeting patriotic citizens while Muslims walk past TSA unopposed; an illegal immigrant (Obama) in the White House with Valerie Jarrett and other members of the Muslim Brotherhood; Obamacare, etc.

And still, five years later, there are Americans who continue to support less individual reliance for more government control in the form of welfare, disability payments, healthcare and, the most egregious of them all, abolishing the 2nd Amendment. Makes one support a poll tax to test if a voter has the ability to reason or not.


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