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by OPOVV, ©2013

The image proffered as Barack Hussein Obama’s long-form birth certificate has been declared a “computer-generated forgery” by a two -year law enforcement investigation

(Nov. 22, 2013) — Indentured owing to the Company Store, and the Company is Royalty or an out-of-control government.

Goodbye to the markers that kept score of passing generations.

Farewell, my Homeland that treated me badly, toiling for want, never able to save anything.  But I saved enough to escape across the sea to be reborn in a new land, to speak Americanese, to embrace a future that held the promise of better tomorrows.

On and on they came, the hopeful, sad to leave but glad not to stay.

In the first 200 years since the Declaration of Independence was sent to King George, millions have been welcomed to the shores of America, and millions have died for the ideal that freedom is worth dying for, never to go back to be a slave, passing on a life of hopelessness to the offspring, and they the same to theirs.

Now the tombstones for those who passed are hundreds of years old, and even though there is less evidence of their being here than exists, the fact that we are here lies testament that they were here too, once upon a time in the history of our country.

We’ve grown roots that grow deep, that we can relate to, one on one and one farther down the road of the past, marking time from the Mayflower to the Emancipation Proclamation, the Spanish American War and wars since, the day JFK was shot down, the official End of Camelot, as it was reported, yet our Constitution endured.

The same, the very same words, exactly the same that George Washington and our forefathers read, an ongoing parade of wonder that has dictated the birth of Freedom for every newborn in our country, the passing of the baton with each first cry of our babies, raising them under the same umbrella that our relatives were raised under.

We have a direct connection to our grandparents and great-great grandparents, we have an unbroken line since the birth of our Nation, from the beginning to now.

The American Indian precedes the Mayflower, yet was an equal participant in every aspect of American history since our nation’s first Thanksgiving.

Each of us who were born here, have parents who were born here, have a piece of the action, a piece of America imbedded within our psyche: we’re connected.

Our Founding Fathers had a great respect for responsibility and allegiance, and surely thought long and hard about the future leaders of America, of what should be the basic requirements for one to hold the reins of decision-making over one of the three branches of government. The expectation that one must have been born in America by American parents is not, therefore, farfetched, a whimsical barrier, a fleeting inconsequential idea but a necessary badge of honor to be worn by the Commander-in-Chief.

Any deviation from our Constitution demeans the document, which is what, after all, America is all about: we are the living embodiments of our Constitution, just as are relatives were.

Obama, not having been born in the United States, not having a mother AND father as citizens of the United States, is not eligible to be president. Obama, truth be told, is nothing but another illegal immigrant gaming the system, taking advantage of the good people of America, lying and stealing on a daily basis.

If an American citizen believes in the destiny of America, believes in the forefathers’ sacrifice for Freedom, believes in the Constitution, then, by the simple process of definition, that person, too, must be a Birther, for being “Birther” is nothing more or less than being a responsible citizen, which is the duty, and right, of each of us.

There is no grey area as to whether one is Patriotic or not.

Either one is a “Birther,” or a traitor.


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Saturday, November 23, 2013 12:02 AM

“Well I am a birther”, at least that is what Channel 5 Austin said in an interview. The term wasn’t even out of diapers when I filed voter fraud charges against the Texas DNC in the early fall of 2009 for not vetting their illegitimate candidate. Thank you jbjd for your efforts.