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by Anonymous

Los Angeles County is home to more than 10 million people. Its government consists of a Board of County Supervisors, which oversee various agencies, including the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), which purportedly functions to keep children safe from abuse and neglect

(Nov. 6, 2013) — An individual who closely watches the movements of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, Juvenile Court Judge Michael Nash, and the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) wrote the following letter, referring to a case from 2010 of a toddler who was returned to abusive parents by DCFS despite having received a letter of concern from a foster agency about its questionable decision.

The Post & Email has reported on the case of the Hendersons, who lost custody of their then-six children after they were falsely jailed but were not accused of abuse or neglect.  Last week, after almost three years of separation, the children’s mother, Erica Henderson, was again granted unsupervised visits with her now-eight children after she told Judge Marguerite Downing that she had decided to part ways with her husband, Jeffrey.

Profiles of the six elder children are currently posted online as available for adoption.  On Wednesday, there is a hearing on visitation for Mrs. Henderson’s youngest child, an infant approximately three months old.

The Post & Email has written to Judge Nash out of concern for a lack of transparency in the courtroom concerning children in the Los Angeles DCFS foster care system.  Nash and several other juvenile court judges conduct hearings in the Edmund D. Edelman Children’s Court in Monterey Park, CA.

A video about how child protective services in Los Angeles County has failed many of the children in its care is here.

Members of the public have accused DCFS, the court and its officers of engaging in “child trafficking” with children removed from decent homes for nefarious purposes.  One respondent to the letter of concern stated:

These judges and CPS agencies are so corrupted. They take away good parents from children so they can get title V funding for illigal adoptions yet give back the children that need them the most. CPS LA County is nothing but a child trafficking organization and I suffered at their hands for four years as a child doing porn in children’s Villiage. They don’t protect thoise kids. They make $$$$$$$ off of them!

The citizen’s letter to the various agencies reads:

It would be right and correct and decent of you and your your associates at the Board of Supervisors to stop congratulating yourselves for a job well done. It only serves to hide the abject misery and peril of children in the Court System, over which you and the Board preside. Case in point: in the letter above, sent to you by Linda Kontis, she personally begged you to reconsider the case of Tori Sandoval and her violent, drug addicted parents. Linda Kontis in her respectful letter addressed, directly to you, laid out in black and white, her legitimate, grave concerns regarding taking Tori away from her loving, caring, foster parents where Tori thrived and placing this beautiful 17 month old girl, back in the hands of her drug addled parents. Tori’s abusive parents had already lost 8 of their children to the system! In a conversation with Tori’s “minor’s counsel” Robert Vasquez, Ms. Kontis reports his statement: “the history of the family does not matter, the goal is to reunify.’ This is a statement that would assure this third party appointee of your Court, his fees…. but not the safety and wellbeing of Tori, because shortly after Comm. Makel (also an employee of your Court) ignored, hindered and silenced the protectors of Tori, including her siblings in her courtroom. Against their fears for Tori and their warning to the Commissioner, she ordered that Tori go back to her abusers. Tori was soon dead. She died hungry, thirsty, covered with bruises and with broken bones. What did you do, Judge Nash, the day you were informed about Vyctorya Sandoval’s death? What did the rude, punishing Commissioner Marilyn H. Makel and Tori’s supposed Counsel/representative, Robert Vasquez, do when they received the news that their horrendous decision-making led to Tori Sandoval’s death? Was there an apology? Are there any consequences for Judges, Commissioners, Minor’s Counsels who do not listen or consider overwhelming evidence of abuse and threats to the lives of children? As Court Watchers we have observed how this goes. Too many safe, fit, loving parents, grandparents, caretakers, are too often targeted to lose their children and treated like criminals in your Court Judge Nash…and way too many abusers, “unsafe parents and or unsafe foster care vendors” with histories of violence, drug/alcohol/sexual abuse are favored by you (as evidenced by the letter you ignored from Ms. Kontis) and the highly-paid court appointees such as Mr. Vasquez. We see this happen every day at the Edelman Building… so many parents call it a building of tears. Before you and the Board continue with the self-congratulations and appointments of Blue Ribbon Commissions, things need to halt and the public needs to take a look at several things. #1 During an interview you promised Robin Sax, at the time a reporter for FOX NEWS 11 working on a ground-breaking series called: LOST IN THE SYSTEM, that you would allow openness in the children’s court…and when she went to the court to report on a case, she was thrown out of the Courtroom by one of your Commissioners, Losnick. #2 There exists an 82 page report commissioned by the Board of Supervisors, leaked by the LA Times that states on page 6, 571 children were abused to death under the scrutiny of Department of Child and Family Services, in a recent 18 month period of time. This excoriating report lays out in full detail what is wrong in how you and the Board run your operations. http://documents.latimes.com/report-severe-problems-los-angeles-county-department-children-and-family-services/ As Court Watchers we have gone to the board for an explanation of these 571 deaths, they ignore us and appoint Blue Ribbon Panels…we ask you and you put up self- congratulatory videos. As a matter of public safety we want to know who these children (are/were) and the circumstances surrounding this mass killing of our kids, in LA County alone… This is no longer privileged, nor do their cases need to be kept secret… to protect children… because, these children are dead. In order to ever correct and stop this horrific, continued, loss of innocent life in Los Angeles County as a matter of public interest and safety, the citizens need to know who these children were and how they died..Tori Sandoval was only one of hundreds… SUNSHINE IS THE BEST DISINFECTANT.. What say you, Judge Nash and the Board of Supervisors?

Permanency Through Family Reunification
Court Adoption and Permanency Month 2013 Family reunification is the preferred form of permanency for youth. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Nash explains why.
Permanency Through Family Reunification
Court Adoption and Permanency Month 2013 Family reunification is the preferred form of permanency for youth. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Nash explains why.

A ‘grave letter of concern’ for Vyctorya Sandoval

The co-founder of the foster family agency that cared for Vyctorya Sandoval wrote a letter expressin…
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Stephen Hiller
Thursday, November 7, 2013 8:00 AM

Parents don’t own their children, the State does. And the State can do whatever it wants, jut look at how they “educate” them in public school … usually without the parents’ knowledge of the subject matter.