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October 11, 2013

Sen. John McCain is a Vietnam veteran and son of a Navy admiral

United States Congress,

I am offended by Senator John McCain’s unconscionable attack on fellow republican senators when asked a question on Fox News about warrior deaths and family entitlements.

Senator McCain is self-centered, so much about “me”, so little about things that really matter…that he ignores the purposeful politicization of warrior dead and cannot resist ignoring the question at hand, and attacking others who have taken the spotlight away from his “go along, to get along” attitude in the US Senate.

To think a military man, a POW, a proud family military heritage, would fail to stand-up and condemn the severe dishonor the Obama Administration hurled at our warriors killed in Afghanistan and their families.  When a US Senator can turn a blind eye to obvious usage of warrior deaths as political pawns to further a political gain, it is undeniably cruel, hard hearted, along with a betrayal of American warriors.

I have long suspected Senator McCain as double-minded…a man that plays a political game as it best benefits him.  But his example of ignoring the degrading treatment of our recently killed warriors and the Obama Administration’s decision to withhold legal entitlements from family members confirms my observation of Senator McCain’s character.   He is without principle, guided only by selfish ambition.  May God have mercy on his soul.

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret.

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