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by OPOVV, ©2013

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) often sides with Obama and the Democrats against members of his own party who are upholding their oaths to the U.S. Constitution

(Sep. 27, 2013) — “The Shame of McCain” is a fact chiseled in quartz. McCain rode the coattails of a “Vietnam Veteran” to his own advantage, but now we Vietnam Veterans look upon McCain as nothing more than a despicable old man who lost his marbles, perhaps as early as when he was a toddler.

McCain is the quintessential politician: changes positions as easily as the wind blows. Is McCain a Republican or is he a Democrat, and what’s the difference anyway?

The one thing we do know about McCain, however, is that his Oath to defend and protect the Constitution was a meaningless Oath. During McCain’s run for the presidency in 2008, not one time did he ever make notice that his opponent, Hussein Obama, was never vetted. Not once did McCain point out the fact that Obama never presented a real and legal Birth Certificate.

McCain was chosen to be Obama’s opponent for the express purpose that McCain would follow Party Orders to the letter. Seig Hiel, my Kapitan! The orders that were fed to McCain forbade him from making any references to Obama’s ties to the Muslim world and where all those hundreds of millions of dollars that were “donated” to Obama’s campaign came from.

McCain acted like a good little soldier boy and followed his instructions: not once did he mention Obama’s missing Birth Certificate. Thanks for nothing, John, you traitor.

What’s wrong, John, don’t have what it takes to stand up for your country? Don’t have what it takes to stand behind the letter of the law and instead allow illegals to roam within our borders at will? Don’t know what the word “illegal” means?

Senator John McCain is an embarrassment, not only to those who are serving and have served in our military, but to ALL Americans, because it is quite obvious that McCain has been, and is, working as an agent for the other side, which is any side other than the supporters of our Constitution.

Even the slowest learners in our country realize by now (after 5 years) that Obama is ineligible to hold the office of president, just as they are aware that the DOJ and the Joint Chiefs of Staff are equally corrupted, as are the courts, ALL the courts, from Alaska to Florida. Yet McCain, to this day, refuses to mention that Obama’s Birth Certificates are nothing more than cheap forgeries, fake certificates that aren’t worth the paper that they’re printed on, just as much of a fake as Obama himself. I wouldn’t shake Obama’s hand, either.

The only way that McCain can serve his country in the future is for him to resign and, hopefully, NEVER!!! be hears from again.

For this we pray. We pray that McCain will, somehow, acquire a conscience that will allow him to see the error of his ways (life) and just leave (like NOW!!!) the rest of us to fight the fights without having someone backstabbing us at every available opportunity.

Amen and Semper Fi


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  1. It was all part of the game plan from the git-go. Remember Nikita said he’d destroy America from within, without ever firing a shot?
    The Japanese make bonsai trees that take generations to grow. The Chinese see nothing wrong with waiting 500 years to develop something. Americans, however, want instant pudding. Was there life before microwaves? McCain may or may not be a traitor. Obama can not be a traitor, because he never was an American to begin with. No wonder the Founding Fathers insisted on the “natural born citizen” clause.
    I guess our schools’ revised history books don’t go back that far. “Ancient” history starts somewhere in the 1970s.