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by OPOVV, ©2013

Are SWAT teams becoming too common in American cities?

(Sep. 7, 2013) — [Note: I’ll give you that maybe 10% of law enforcement are honest. This editorial is aimed at the remaining 90% that are nothing more than members of a gang that wears uniforms. This gang is nation-wide. The requirement for membership is to not honor an Oath to the Constitution and to terrorize the civilian population with as much enthusiasm as possible. Destroying private (and public) property and murder are encouraged and rewarded with time off with pay. SWAT operations are especially brutal in that witnesses with recording devices are often beaten and/or arrested, even for filming a routine traffic stop from their lawn. If you don’t like reading the truth about the police in today’s America, read no further.]

When I was growing up, you could always go to a policeman and ask for help, and even adults would consult policemen on directions. Police, as teachers, were admired public servants: low pay but big responsibility.

And then came the drugs and political correctness. Virtually overnight the landscape changed. With the teachers, it was pushing Socialism over teaching the students the Three R’s. The cops went overboard, and the judges and the whole “justice” system got on board: each part wanted a larger slice of the billion-dollar pie.

The basic problem was that the price of drugs was basically set, so they had to come up with a fail-safe solution on how to make more money, how to make that same pie worth a multiple of billions. The solution was as simple as it was brilliant: let the newspapers set the price of drugs.

Let’s say the price of an ounce of marijuana was $15 and there was a drug bust where an ounce of the weed was confiscated. The DA’s office calls the newspaper where it’s disclosed that an ounce of marijuana was found on the suspect that was worth $30. The next morning the newspaper reports that a $30 ounce bag of marijuana was found on the criminal, who is now in jail.

Bingo! The word spreads. “Holy cow!” Overnight the price of the drug doubled, and overnight the billion-dollar pie doubled also. Other drugs followed suit. Heroin, morphine, dilaudid, cocaine, meth, you name it:  every time there was a bust, the price of the take was over-inflated so the payoffs were larger.

More money to float the boat of major money finding would not find its way to the people who could put a stop to the drugs in this country if it wasn’t profitable. The same goes for illegal immigrants, maybe not in actual cash changing hands, but more jobs created, larger budgets, bigger offices, ridiculous paychecks and benefits. Yes, the payoffs from the drug and offshoot industries are very, very profitable.

With an increase in the price of drugs, theft increases at a proportional rate. So, too, did the number of jail cells required, so we need more prisons, more guards, more uniform companies, more of everything. It became a vicious circle where we regular normal everyday citizens are the ones who get taken to the cleaners; either we get robbed or we pay taxes that support a corrupt system that has nothing at all to do with justice but everything to do with money.

Gang members in uniform, cashing in a welfare payment check disguised as a paycheck, on call to do the bidding of despicable people who have no sense of honor. Forget the 4th Amendment; forget the Constitution; forget any concept of “honor.”

The United States: the Drug Capitol of the World. It doesn’t have to be this way, but the money is so large it will take an extraordinary person to lead the way.  It will take a whole new mindset, a whole new crop of cops.


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Sunday, September 8, 2013 10:12 AM

Why are you so sure, Stephen? “Militarized” Police are a threat to our freedom in America. I still cannot get over the picture of the officer dressed in black carrying an assault rifle who forcibly took Elian Gonzalez. I also do not understand why any assailant needs to be shot multiple times by multiple officers. It seems they are now trained to kill without limitations or restraint in the use of force. Too many instances of shootings and beatings happen daily across America without anyone being accountable. I’m with OPOVV, give me back the officer you feel safe asking directions of without worrying that they are suspicious of why you asked. I felt more safe in the ’90s when I approached two officers in Austria to ask where the Glock factory was so I could buy a couple of magazines for my son when they were not available at the time in this country.

Semper Fi

Stephen Hiller
Sunday, September 8, 2013 7:32 AM

I’m mighty glad the 10% of good ones live in my neighborhood.