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by OPOVV, ©2013

Will Islam one day be the only “religion” allowed in America?

(Aug. 1, 2013) — The news traveled fast, faster than the walkie-talkies issued to each of us, because, even though it was an exciting event, a noteworthy happening, it couldn’t be broadcast over the public airwaves for fear it would be picked up and misconstrued as “frivolous” and “wasteful,” even as far as violating the trust between the public and county employees everywhere. The happening, of course, was the new guy attempting to break the record of non-stop trips around the perimeter of the airport in an eight-hour work day. The rule was keeping to the speed limit, which was either 15 or 25 mph. One complete circuit took somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 minutes, so every-half hour fellow county employees would come out of their hiding (work) places and stand next to the road as the county pickup truck drove on by at a leisurely 15 or 25 mph, accented with waves and catcalls. Alas, the attempt was ruined when the boss called the driver in for some meaningless paperwork that had to be signed.

But all government workers aren’t as daring and don’t take their work as seriously as in the above example. The same goes for our military; what was once the most powerful force on the planet is regressing to the point of becoming an ineffective force that would have a hard time stopping Haitian refugees on the sea or on the beach. If today’s military fought the Germans in 1944, hampered by the current ROE’s (Rules of Engagement), I can guarantee you the Germans would have won and we’d all be driving Beetles and drinking saké.

Really, now, what’s our future? What’s in store for America in the coming years? Islam has launched a multi-pronged attack on Western Civilization by infiltrating every country, and more are being admitted every day, with people applying for and receiving multiple welfare checks per family, placing an unsustainable burden on their adoptive countries. Here in America, as in other countries, mosques sprout up in closed grocery stores and other places.  Recruiting stations exist in every prison which teach that Islam is a religion, suspending reality, looking the other way on “honor killings,” ignoring the Totalitarian aspect of the way Islam really is.  “Just because they are at war with us doesn’t mean we’re at war with them.” I’m not buying it, and neither should you.

According to this Administration, this government, yes, we are going to take it, take it to the point of destroying our country.

What’s the future? Since English doesn’t seem to be our national language, and since our politicians are going against the grain of us Patriots, illegal immigrants are allowed to stay, to steal, to take jobs from legal citizens of this country and, eventually, maybe concede the Southwestern States to Mexico; who knows? They’re allowed to be paid in Food Stamps, housing, welfare, and yet have escaped Federal and State income taxes.

Muslims are arriving every day, thousands of them, in some cases whole Somali villages.  Everybody is welcomed into our country where they learn the Wahhabi, which is at odds with the Constitution.

I was a bona fide candidate for President in the year 2012, and had I and my VP been elected, there would have been no Ft. Hood murders because there would be no Muslims in our military, let alone within our borders. So, yes, I’d have to say we are at war with Islam, and those of us who aren’t better well be.


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