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from PANDAunite.org

(Jul. 3, 2013) — Media, Activists, and Freedom Fighters:

The world is waking up. In the wake of the recent revelations about NSA spying, a young grassroots group has organized protests in over 90 cities nationwide.

Warrantless surveillance and spying plays a key role in the possible indefinite detention of any person without charge or trial, and the continual violation of our Constitutional rights.

Under the rocket’s red glare, while many Americans are enjoying picnics, thousands of us will be protesting for our freedom. This is the liberty bell, the warning call, and the sound of the trumpet.




Dan Johnson


This July 4th, let’s Restore the Fourth

 On December 15, 1791, ¾ of the states in a young America ratified the Bill of Rights. These 10 Amendments to the Constitution would serve as our guiding principles for nearly 200 years.

Too many of them, including the 4th Amendment, now lay in tatters.

Since January 2012, we have been one of the leading organizations in the fight against the 2012 NDAA, indefinite detention, and the application of the laws of war on American soil. Since our founding, People Against the NDAA (PANDA) has pushed to block the enforcement of the NDAA detention provisions in over 20 states and numerous municipalities across the country.

A crucial piece in the puzzle of government tyranny however, remained unsolved. The PATRIOT Act, warrantless surveillance, and unConstitutional searches play a key role in the enforcement of the 2012 NDAA, and have yet to suffer a serious grassroots challenge.

Now, a new organization is trying to change that.

Restore the Fourth is a nonviolent, nonpartisan group of political activists who aim to restore the Fourth Amendment, focusing on unConstitutional searches by our nation’s biggest spy agencies. On July 4th, 2013, they have launched a nationwide protest against these practices, and it has gained serious traction.

The protests have been picked up by the Huffington PostMashable, and The Blaze, and thousands of people are expected to attend in the biggest protest since the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA).

As the warrantless surveillance of people in the United States plays a key role in any indefinite detention, application of the laws of war, and the silencing of political dissent, PANDA is proud to support Restore the Fourth and the protests this independence day.

Under the rocket’s red glare, over 90 cities will protest against NSA surveillance, the NDAA, and stand shoulder-to-shoulder to begin a new phase in the battle for our Constitutional rights.

We stand with them, and America should do the same. This is the liberty bell, the call to action, and the trumpet.

Find your local protest here: http://www.restorethefourth.net




Dan Johnson

Founder, PANDA
People Against the NDAA


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  1. Who is to say that Soros is not funding this with the Brotherhood of Muslim’s to scare more Americans into hiding and not getting involved? Elmo in on the right track with this but you may want to check http://www.creepingsharia.wordpress.com to see your area and what is going on there in your state legislature or just see other Muslim techniques of what is being done to infiltrate America for the next minority power grab. Hillary has enabled the Muslim “immigrants” as “displaced minorities” and they are getting all the same free benefits that all the Mexican’s are getting-$20k for college, welfare, food stamps, housing, unemployment, cars, job placement and if you’re Muslim, you are exempt from all zoning laws so you can build Mosques anywhere you want, good luck arguing against them. Once they become a majority in any area as they did in Europe, they will control the votes and we know where that is heading. While Democrats are in power, anything goes as with all the other Dem administrations. Clinton was a train wreck, this one is an earth quake and after 5 years the people are just starting to wake up. Let’s all enjoy our freedom on the 4th but realize that we have a fight that is ongoing to keep America’s freedoms.

  2. As an adjunct to this excellent article. Many Independence Day celebrations are being cancelled across the country due to black on white “flash mob” violence at these events over the past few years.
    This has gone largely unreported by the mainstream media. We are losing our country by disrespecting gangs of hoodlums and thugs bent on destroying anything that is traditionally American.