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by OPOVV, ©2013

The PRISM program, which gathers information from nine internet search engines on people’s online activities, was revealed last week by The Washington Post

(Jun. 10, 2013) — Rarely in one’s life does one come across a true hero, and it’s refreshing to this veteran that there are at least a few heroes left in our country. We live in an age of “Political Correctness” where what is perceived is the opposite of reality, and anyone who questions the status quo is immediately branded a “traitor” and “harming our country.”

Looking at facts, exposing the truth, and articulating the findings will get one branded as a “nut job” or “Birtherfaster than a Cook County voter can cast multiple ballots. Rather than addressing the problems, our government focuses on the whistleblowers who expose the problems, and then after the whistleblowers are dealt with in some manner, the problems persist. What we have are two distinct classes of people in the United States: those who have knowledge of the Constitution and those who haven’t a clue what’s it all about, civilians vs.  abusers of the Public Trust.

Whistleblower LTC Terry Lakin questioned Obama’s Constitutional eligibility, wanted to see his commander-in-chief’s Birth Certificate, a Public Record, a necessary document to pass the vetting process in order to get a name on the ballot, and ends up in Leavenworth Penitentiary for six months after being railroaded and found guilty in a kangaroo court-martial. Lakin was not allowed to present a defense to answer the charges brought against him. The same thing can happen to any one of us for any made-up charge brought against us by the government after they splice anything they want us to say by splicing words of multiple telephone conversations together. For instance, in February you talked to a friend and said, “I saw the de facto president on the idiot box last night,” and, to a different friend, say, in May, “That film was a total waste and I’ll bet it bombs.”

It would be amusing if it weren’t so serious, but the reporting of NSA employee Edward Snowden telling The Washington Post about the illegal snooping by the NSA has escalated to “leaking” the snooping, to leaking “classified” information, to “leaking highly classified” information, and by the end of the day he’ll have told the Russians and the Chinese the location of every Boomer and the missile codes to boot.

The trouble is that ex-government employees, the so-called news “experts,” are on the other side of the Liberty coin from the rest of us. Some reporters don’t blab everything that they know, don’t pass along State secrets, while other reporters are only too glad to pass even secret information along.  Some newspapers are more than glad to print it, even if it gets our CIA agents killed in a foreign country; Greece, for instance.

This is not the case with Snowden. In this case, a person who had knowledge of harm being committed to our Liberty in the name of “security” talked, made public what we all should’ve known even before this young man was hired by the government.  Why didn’t all the other employees speak up in the defense of Liberty, of Freedom, for our Constitution?  Shame on them, and shame on those who would criticize someone who made us aware of how criminally intrusive our government has become.

We have a de facto president who just gave billions of dollars to Islamic States, 200 tanks to Egypt, and our Congress turns a blind eye.

We have a de facto president who welcomes known members of the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House, allows CAIR to operate openly within our borders, has opened the gates for millions of Muslim enemies to be in our country, and we’re getting all bent out of shape by Edward Snowden informing us it’s A LOT worse than we thought?

The IRS, Homeland Security buying millions of rounds of ammo, procuring tanks, front-end loaders with machine gun turrets, the Attorney General failing to prosecute voter intimidation, the de facto president still refusing to turn over his real Birth Certificate, and we’re focusing on a young man standing up for Liberty?

The shame is on us to swallow the Kool-Aid that this government wants us to drink. No, thanks, I’ll pass, just as Lakin and Snowden did.