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by Sharon Rondeau

(Apr. 24, 2013) — Barack Hussein Obama was allegedly born to an 18-year-old mother on August 4, 1961, before abortion became “legalized.”  However, before the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, women  procured abortions by one means or another if they felt strongly enough about it.

Some women died from abortions not performed by a doctor.  Some had the baby and gave it to adoptive parents through a reputable agency.  Some chose to keep the baby and raise the child.

Some women remained virtuous until they were married.

Obama’s mother, whoever she was, chose to give birth.  Obama has said that she was both single and married at the time.  But who did she raise?  Or did she raise her child at all?

Obama supports infanticide and will be the “keynote speaker” at a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood, which also advocates infanticide, on Friday.  Obama even believes in exporting the practice of abortion to foreign countries; the more, the better.

He believes in forcing employers to pay for contraception so that women do not give birth to more children and so that they can “save money.”

He is a master of propaganda and lies.

He allows Muslims to enter our country and leave at will to receive training in further radicalism so that they can kill young women and eight-year-old children.  He then covers up the fact that a Muslim man was suspected to have been involved in the heinous attacks on the Boston Marathon and has someone alter the man’s file to hide his designation as a jihadi and someone who never should have been allowed into the country.

What does it matter that three people are dead and hundreds injured, some with life-altering amputations?  The most important thing is to cover up the man’s identity and status so that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not “embarrassed.”

The same way Col. Denise Lind couldn’t have Obama feeling “embarrassed” over his lack of a real birth record.  What did she or Obama care that an outstanding flight surgeon went to prison and forfeited his entire career and income to ask that Obama prove his legitimacy which we now know cannot be proven?

In fact, Obama hid his own “jihadi” plans for America as best he could in the 2008 presidential campaign, and Americans were too ignorant to see what and who he was.

He believes in awarding “trusted traveler” status to those who would kill Americans.  Is that what the American people want?  Do they know?

He is an associate of domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who said they “wished they’d done more” to bomb landmarks, kill people and then hide from authorities, creating a myriad of fake identities along the way. Perhaps they assisted Obama to create his own fake identity to be foisted upon an unsuspecting public and catatonic Congress.

Obama believes in deceit, dissembling, forgery, fraud, stealing, and jeopardizing America’s national security.  He has bankrupted the country and continues to take lavish vacations as if he were king.

Perhaps he believes he is.

If his mother had chosen to abort him, where would America be today?

We might still be the freest country in the world, with a world-class military upholding the U.S. Constitution instead of being destroyed by order of its de facto commander-in-chief.

We might continue to be protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, which Obama has destroyed.

We might actually have a government that took its responsibility to protect its people seriously.  We most definitely would not have radical Muslims in some of the highest national security positions in government and people in the country who are on terror watch lists.

We might actually be able to wake up each day and enjoy life as it was in these United States years ago, before an unknown who calls himself “Barack Hussein Obama” or “Barry Soetoro” or “Soebarkah” or whatever entered the White House by means of massive election fraud with a staff adept at spreading propaganda and controlling an unconscionable sychophantic American media.

We might have seen the President and Commander-in-Chief come out and make a statement about the atrocities committed against women and children who survived abortions by Dr. Kermit Gosnell.  Instead, Obama’s moral relativism has kept him quiet for once.  But a woman has a “right to choose,” doesn’t she, Mr. Imposter?

Perhaps we would not awaken to crisis after crisis after crisis unlike anything we have ever seen in America before.  But, after all, Obama never “lets a serious crisis go to waste,” does he?  Shootings and bombings are all things he can exploit in the most despicable way.

We might have an FBI that could actually do its job.

People might not feel that every day, they are threatened by armed government agents at their doorsteps accusing them of being “potential domestic terrorists.”  We might actually have a president who respects the military, many members of whom have lost limbs and other body parts to serve under a fraud who will shortly be fully exposed for the charlatan and liar that he is.

How will they feel then?

What kind of mother must Obama have had?  Whoever she was, she did not teach him to be honest; she taught him to become a master of deception and evil.  What kind of a life must Obama have had, wherever he spent his childhood?

Whoever Obama’s father was did not teach him to be a man. Rather, if he was present at all in his son’s life, he taught him nothing about integrity, honesty, or taking responsibility for his actions.  He taught him, either by his presence or very lack thereof, to be a leech on society and encourage others to take whatever they could get from government for free.

So America has its puppet, an empty shell of a man who has presented falsified documentation to the U.S. government and the American people in the “hope” that he could “change” this country to a third-world banana republic.

Obama has done his job well, and he is about to do much more.

His “Common Core” educational curriculum will brainwash your children, sexualize and traumatize them from the time they step foot inside a public school, and steal their minds and souls. Parents will become irrelevant in the new Obama police state.

With Obama’s mother reportedly progressive for her time, why did she choose to carry her child and give birth?  Why didn’t she have an abortion?

If Obama believes every woman should have the “right to choose,” then his mother should also have had that choice, should she not?

Did she ever give a thought to the twisted, narcissistic personality she played a part in creating?  Or is someone else responsible for the dysfunctional man who decides whether we live or die?

It was Obama’s mother’s choice to give birth to him, wherever and whenever it occurred.  It was also her choice to see her son become an identity thief, a liar and a squanderer of the wealth of what was once the greatest country on earth.  If she is alive, is she proud of the outcome of her decisions?

If Obama has his way, millions more unborn children will be dead as a result of the pervasive culture of death he promotes.

When Obama is done with America, if he is allowed to finish with his plans, it will be dead, just like the children who were allowed to die by Dr. Gosnell under the auspices of “choice.”

So I ask you, Barack Hussein Obama:  since you believe in abortion so strongly, why didn’t your mother?




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  1. ‘With Obama’s mother reportedly progressive for her time, why did she choose to carry her child and give birth?”

    One: to please Malcolm X, his father. The child would become “The Messenger” who’d carry on Malcolm’s dreams. [See early articles on Malcolm X in “Muhammad Speaks”, Nation Of Islam newspaper, from back in the day.]

    Two: to feed her own unfulfilled grandiosity

    Three: to keep her claws in Malcolm. Twice her age, a known womanizer, the husband of another woman, the child would keep him tethered to her – and also ‘blackmailed’ to give her what she wanted to keep her quiet. At the time of her pregnancy with Bari, with the airing of “The Hate That Hate Produced”, Malcolm was emerging in the national limelight, preaching anti-white hatred. If it got out about his white teenage lover and mixed race son – oh-oh.

  2. Only in his case could I wish it could be retroactive for an abortion. Other than that I do not believe in any abortions for any reason!