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by Bob Pappas, ©2012

Is everything about this man fake?

(Nov 4, 2012) — With the polls bouncing all over the place and media further confusing the data, one is confronted with a picture that is about as clear as muddy water. But one has learned to expect obfuscation and fallacious information from the majority of the media since their objective is the protection and re-election of Barack Hussein Obama. In that regard, they are not a “disappointment,” are they?

Scanning various stories leaves one with a confused picture:  one moment the major candidates are tied, the next moment Obama leads and in the next report Romney is crushing him. The distortions, obfuscations and outright lying by those on the left could be a source of angst if one did not recall the mid-term elections. Additionally, there is plenty of evidence that supports an Obama rout.  Even in Ohio Obama’s message is wearing thin, his latest, i.e., “voting is the best revenge” is one more glimpse of the real Obama. Isn’t he the “one” who told Americans to the effect, “there is no red America, no blue America, but a United States of America?”  Isn’t he the one who promised complete transparency, but refuses to allow a glimpse into his personal records? What an empty-suited farce!

These essays often state that Obama is a vicious, mainstream America hater. When he says, “Voting is the best revenge,” what in the world is he talking about absent an abiding hatred for what America has been for the last 237 years? He chooses to focus on the nation’s weaknesses, not its strengths; on its failures, not its successes; and on the bad and not its good.  Where is the Barack Obama of 2008 with his soaring rhetoric and pledge to unite the Nation? Stripped of his façade, he is without a doubt the most divisive President in American History.

As has been repeatedly pointed out here, the media’s Messianic image of Barack Obama never existed. He was from the outset filled with malice toward this great Nation. From the time he came into office he has focused on income redistribution, on undermining the free market economy, on fostering class warfare…and was hardly the “great unifier” of 2008. All that would be comical if it weren’t so tragic. So much for the Deceiver; he deserves a place of ignominy on the ash heap of history and on Tuesday, November 6th, Americans will award it to him.

On the other hand is Mitt Romney…initially not my choice from among the field of candidates, but now he is. Not just by default but because he is the right man, with the right attitude, the right qualifications, at the right time, teamed with the right Vice Presidential choice to put the “train of state” back on track. His overwhelming credentials headlined by his leadership, business and governmental experience are superior to his opposition, from day one. Some are wary of Romney’s Mormon faith; I am not. Whereas I do not agree with much of it, it is not a faith that is fundamentally opposed to America. In fact, that faith brings with it a special connection to America that Obama lacks and can never have absent a transformation of his soul. Romney’s faith puts America squarely in a place of special significance, whereas Obama’s “Muslim faith, uh, I mean my Christian faith,” is inimical to America’s economic, spiritual and security interests.

For my Christian brothers and sisters of African-American or other black heritage, consider what he has done to you. He has forced homosexuality on the military services as a wedge to force homosexual marriage on a largely unwilling populace. He has worsened the economic status of minorities, worsened economic opportunity and has saddled all Americans with debt that will take generations to repay…if ever. If America’s black brothers and sisters choose to believe that because of his color, Barack Obama is their friend, they are greatly deceived, to their detriment and to the detriment of all Americans. Please join in restoring American prosperity and dignity at home and in the world by voting for a team that loves and works for the benefit of all Americans.

Semper Fidelis and Real Peace

Choose you this day whom you will elect, but as for me and my house we choose Romney and Ryan.


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