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by OPOVV, ©2012, Presidential Candidate

Is this what our granddaughters will be forced to wear?

(Oct. 19, 2012) — I was watching one of the mundane television “news” shows, and this person said she was “for” Obama, and that got me to thinking that she wasn’t “for anything,“ but, rather, “against everything.”

For instance, we all know that this Obama character has never been vetted as to his legal qualifications to hold the office of president. Everybody knows except Obots, who find it expressly difficult to decipher fake and fraudulent Birth Certificates, and when cornered, answer that, actually, both Birth Certificates were and are legal and the insurmountable evidence to the contrary doesn’t fit into their way of thinking. Don’t bother us with facts, they say, and then retort with the “racist” epitaph, as if calling someone a name can erase the truth.

Another Truth is that our economy is alive and healthy, or would be if Obama and the Fed would leave their nefarious mitts off of it.  The so-called “stimulus” money borrowed from China doesn’t make any sense, especially since China can’t take care of their children who suffer from horrible clefts and have to rely on American doctors to rectify the situation. Something, indeed, is rotten in Denmark.

And rotten is precisely the word.  Why, there’s an election in the Netherlands and all the candidates are Muslim, a fate that we can look forward to. Your granddaughters will all be wearing burqas. Sharia will be the law of the land and our Constitution a fading memory, as will be Christmas and Easter.

I am not responsible for the failure of illegal immigrants to become legal immigrants. It’s not my problem, nor is it yours. And we’re not responsible for the neglect of illegal immigrant parents as to their children becoming legal citizens. So, bottom line? When I say ALL illegal immigrants must be deported, that includes the children of the irresponsible parents. Such a shame and too bad, but the word “illegal” has only one meaning.  You can reform all you want, but you can’t reform breaking the law.

The Federal Reserve Bank is a con.  It’s a privately-owned business that’s out to steal as much from you as they can get away with, and they’re getting away with the kitchen sink by passing today’s debt onto the unborn citizens of our country. The Fed is a shell game and the National Debt is nothing more than fancy bookkeeping, otherwise known far and wide as the “National Fleece.” Our so-called money is nothing but a promissory note that is backed by NOTHING. All of the wealth of America is backed by an empty promise. Abolish the Fed and we take control of our own money; the sooner, the better.  While we’re at it, I’d tell China and the UN to take a hike.

Think about it: do you want control of America or are we to give it away to the 535 crooks in Congress who represent themselves, first, and you and I are at the bottom of their list?

And now, to end on a positive note, buy guns and plenty of ammo because it’s better to go down fighting than to be led to slaughter as a lamb, I’d say. What, you think our enemy is just sitting around playing Parcheesi? I wouldn’t count on it.



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Friday, October 19, 2012 7:42 PM

Franklin said that and “HE said what he meant, and meant WHAT HE SAID!!”
“TWO if by Land, THREE if by Sea, and NOW, FOUR if WITHIN!?”
TO ARMS, TO ARMS, Sim Saladin is Coming!!