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by New Hampshire State Rep. Harry Accornero

What is Obama’s motive for lying about the terrorist attack in Libya and inviting members of The Muslim Brotherhood to the White House?

(Sep. 30, 2012) — As many of you know, last year I asked Congress to charge Obama with “Treason.”  I was ridiculed in the media and by members of my own party for stepping out and saying what most Americans knew.  As of this date I have not heard from one member of Congress, and now I know why. Their silence shows that they are complicit with Obama. Both Democrats and Republicans can share the guilt. You be the judge.

Today we found out what most of us already knew; Obama lied to us about the murder of our Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens. The truth is our embassy was not attacked because of a movie; it was a deliberate act of war on The United States to coincide with 9/11.

Mr. Obama and his administration were notified within 24 hours that it was a deliberate attack on our embassy and not just a random act. Obama and his administration continued to lie to the American people, with the help of CBS, CNN, NBC and MSNBC.

It is my belief that Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and is willing to do all he can to bring down America from within. He and his administration have done all they can to bypass Congress and throw our Constitution down the toilet and devalue our dollar in order to bankrupt our country. America has been held hostage by this administration by not allowing us to drill for oil in our country where there is enough oil and gas for the next 200 years.

To be fair, the Muslim Brotherhood started years ago, but most recently it has taken hold from the George H. W. Bush administration and continued to grow and show its presence in the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations. They have infiltrated our government at every level and culminated with the Obama administration. As a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama wants a Socialist America under the control of the UN to form a One World Order, where he hopes to be the Dictator of the West. If Obama is elected; the Muslim Brotherhood will be free to take over America without firing a shot.

It’s time to get off our a**** and stand up for America and vote Obama and his administration OUT! We need to hold those so-called Republicans accountable for what they have allowed to happen without saying a word. I know not many of us are happy with the other candidate, but we need to put that aside and vote for Romney. Then we can work together to get a candidate we can all get behind in 2016. Most of all, we need to look at ourselves and ask why we allowed this to happen to our country. We are as much at fault as our elected officials; after all, we elected them. We can no longer sit on the sidelines and blame everyone else for what is happening. We need to start today to get proactive and kick these bums and anti-Americans out of office.


Harry Accornero

State Representative Laconia, NH

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  1. Give ’em hell, Harry. There is NO doubt our government has been infiltrated to the highest level. “Obama” is a mole who has been groomed to destroy our country from within and has expedited this plan in the last 4 years. He is funded by the Saudi’s and the CIA and God knows what other enemies of the United States people. It’s such a tangled network of cover ups and deceit, it’s VERY hard to pinpoint who’s who. Best to stick with what we DO know, and that is we are a country based on the Constitution and anyone who says otherwise is to be opposed!

  2. God bless you Harry Accornero, you are a blessing to America and a great patriot too, for stating so clearly that which is obvious to all thinking human beings on Planet Earth (http://www.amazon.com/Life-on-Planet-Earth-ebook/dp/B007DNNADQ/). Our forefathers must be turning over in their graves because of what the current rotten strain of Democrats and Republicans are doing to the Constitution and our Country. What about all those brave souls that died to protect the Constitution and our freedom? As God is Our Witness http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009FRSKC4/ there will be a heavy price to pay for such (self-inflicted) sin and stupidity.
