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by OPOVV, ©2012, Presidential Candidate

“DNA” stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid, which contains the genetic material present in living organisms

(Sep. 27, 2012) — DNA talking here. We, your DNA and mine, have traveled far and wide. Why, just a few generations ago, we left our homeland across the Atlantic and came to America. When we arrived, there were three buffalo herds, Eastern, Midwest and Plains, each one numbering in the millions. The Indian population had the country divided up, with the boundary between the tribes being shared hunting grounds. But there was nothing that could withstand the expansion of those who wanted a better life, not for their own DNA, but for wide-open opportunities for their future DNA.

Hard work, I mean really hard work — try cutting down a tree with a hand saw — was required to clear the land for farming. All those rock dividers you see around farms didn’t get there using a John Deere tractor: sweat equity did it, elbow grease, pioneers, men and women busting their gut for a common goal: to carve a country out of the wilderness. And it wasn’t easy; there was nothing easy about it, but it was dangerous. Many a time a man went out to hunt game for food, only to slip and fall, breaking his leg, and dying that night while fighting off carnivores, or Indians, or dying of dehydration as he clawed his way home. No, it wasn’t easy. And when he didn’t arrive home, it was his wife who was forced to take the reins and continue in his footsteps.  This is how our America was born, and the price was deprivation, hunger, disease, pain, and death. But we, our DNA, persevered, and the result is what you see around us today. No so-called “government” built our land; we did, tree by tree, brick by brick, and, through wars, death by death.

But peel away but one layer of the onion and we see rottenness, we find corruption, we discover deceit. We see Congress pass law after law, we see politicians pad their expenses (including their so-called “retirement”), and we see, decade by decade, year by year, our taxes rise as the purchasing power of the dollar diminishes. What used to be a part-time civic duty (serving the public) somehow morphed into a giant enterprise, with favors bestowed as if the politicians are Little Caesars. Politics as a career, Political Science as a university major, teaching the Ivy League way of foreign policy: just make the pay-off payments on time and everyone will be your friend.

Tax after tax, and after you die, they hit you with a Death Tax. Heck, at birth you owe: it is never-ending, but where does the money really go? When you, and I pay the government, what do they do with our money? Do they treat it as if its their own, do they scrimp and save, cut corners, use over, do without? Do they maintain or do they, after the ashtray is filled, buy new? The spirit that made this country certainly made do without, of this we are assured. If something broke 300 miles, or even 20 miles from nowhere, necessity became the true Mother of Invention. However, everybody doesn’t pay his or her fair share of taxes: the poor pay nothing, while everyone else pays the burden of Social Services, without hesitation if the service is temporary.  But generation after generation is asking way too much, and it must end today. No work: No food.

DNA likes the Truth, and it’s a wonder to us that there’s something wrong with today’s mainstream media and today’s politicians DNA that they, for whatever reason, can’t seem to tell the truth. Never. Ever. WE know that Obama is nothing but a cheap fraud, a nobody, yet he has managed to do what he has only through the complicity of government employees who put their overpaid paycheck above the law, which tells us that the quality of our government employees is lower than when the country was founded.

The DNA of the Patriots of America has reached the boiling point. If the future of our offspring, the future of our collective DNA, cannot be better, wiser, safer than our DNA, then we better make it so. Our job, and our only job, is to insure that the playing field we leave our children is, at a bare minimum, at least equal to what our fathers gave us:  maybe more, but certainly no less. A farmer’s creed is to improve the land, and if not, do no harm. A physician’s creed is to treat the patient, but cause no additional harm. We, as Patriots, must leave the political arena no worse than it already is; that’s it.

Obama has soiled our political landscape. We have thousands of government employees who have lent and continue to lend him a helping hand in perpetuating the immense fraud upon the American DNA, when they should be escorting him to jail. Our country was built upon Christian ethics and has been immensely successful in defeating all foes.  There’s no reason to think our DNA cannot be successful once again in defeating Obama and the Muslim hoards knocking at the gate of Freedom, Free Speech, and free to live and worship as one’s conscience (DNA) desires, women included.



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Thursday, September 27, 2012 7:30 PM