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by One Peeved-Overwhelming Vietnam Vet, ©2012, Presidential Candidate

Who is going to "fix" the problem of Obama's forged documentation?

(May 4, 2012) — The First Amendment may allow you to say stupid things, such as the U.S. is “one of largest Muslim countries,” but it doesn’t give anyone the right to yell “Fire!” when there is no fire, or “Racism!” when there is none. Does it give someone the right to tell lies? Does it give anyone the right to advocate the removal of Human, Civil, and Constitutional rights for those of a certain gender? Is there a fine line between being a traitor and just being uninformed? And is the demarcation from a  psychopath to being just misunderstood so blurred that words such as “ineligible” and “vetted” have lost all meaning so as to become just background noise, a hiss that people automatically shut out in order to accept without thought, the “Yes We Can” crowd that are ushering us all into oblivion?

Somewhere down the line, America’s education system has failed us all.  There was a time in human history that only the old were wise; the thought was that in order to achieve longevity, you needed more than luck. In today’s world most of the old folks are perpetually out to lunch because they’re caught up in the same hoopla as everyone else, thanks, I suppose, to absorbing the same slop that the mainstream media dishes out.  So “wise” is out, at least of the exclusive domain of the old.  There is, however, a source of knowledge that is still available to us, for how much longer none can say. No subliminal messages, no pictures of cold drinks and popcorn. The question is, of course, what’s available?

A pogrom of a library is a terrible thing, and I’ve been through two of them:  once at a university, the other carried out by a crazed librarian and her mother one weekend at a small town library, and the results were devastating. No doubt 90% of newly-released books are destined for the shredder, but there are truly some gems that are worth preserving for future generations. The trouble is, of course, the competition for our attention is divided between what is intellectually stimulating vs. culturally-accepted laziness:  reading a book vs. watching a video, or playing tennis vs. X-Box.

We are all fallible, even movie directors.  Did you ever watch a movie in which the person driving is talking to the passenger and turns and looks at him while he’s driving? Doesn’t it make you want to yell “Watch the road, Stupid!”  Did you ever see a birth certificate that’s a fake, and there’s reams of indisputable proof;  it’s beyond reasonable doubt that it’s a fraud, yet there are still intellectually-lazy people who refuse to make the effort to learn why it’s a fake, why Socialism fails, and why the Constitution is in jeopardy?

Say your auto has a mechanical problem, and the mechanic says “No problem,” and off you go, only to discover that what you thought was a problem really is becoming an issue, so you go to another mechanic. This new mechanic says you can ignore it, but it will only get worse and cause the vehicle to stop working, or you can bite the bullet and get it fixed as it should have been fixed in the first place. This Obama clown, hired on to masquerade as president, wasn’t vetted.  He and the despicable Congress are wrecking our country, and we’re at another decision:   Do we continue on as if there’s no problem, or do we do what’s right and fix it?

I’m yelling “Fix it!” and to start we need to target all the people who have the responsibility of insuring that only qualified and successfully-vetted candidates appear on the 2012 ballot.


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