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by One Peeved-Overwhelming Vietnam Vet, ©2012, Presidential Candidate

(Apr. 27, 2012) — You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him ____. You can explain to your cat that it’s in his best interest to swallow the pill, but to no avail. You take the kids to the beach and build sand castles, then you’re stuck with explaining that not even Daddy can stop the tide. They continue to cry and scream, even while the water is washing their creation out to sea in front of their eyes, yet they refuse to accept the facts.

Europe is crumbling and Merlin and King Arthur’s England is sinking. Manna from heaven, billions of Francs, Marks, Pounds and Dollars, money to exchange for supporting the expansion of Islam, for buying weapons, votes, and a presidency has been expended, sitting on a sea of black gold that, if it weren’t for Western Civilization, they’d still be sitting on, oblivious to the riches beneath them.

And billions of our own money, petrol dollars, to spend on American television programs and the commercials to finance them, all skewed to the myth that Obama is a black man, that Islam is “misunderstood,” and that there is such a person as a “moderate Muslim,” as if it’s true that one can be “a little bit pregnant.”

More than ten years have passed since the Twin Towers were brought down by psychopathic mass murderers, yet there remain many delusional Americans who continue to support the fantasy that Islam is but a religion, and not the Totalitarian system of government that is the reality which openly supports Jihad and “honor murders,” as if there is honor in murdering a family member for imagined slights against a system that, by its very existence, is without honor. A double standard is sanctioned by the Quran, with women being treated as second-class citizens who are forced to suffer through a lifetime of indignation, from mutilations and disfigurements, arranged marriages, beatings, and if they go to the police for protection, they’re sent back to their husband where he is free to render capital punishment with the blessings of the government.

Strong-arm tactics by Muslims, cowering the weak into complacency, attempting murder on anyone who would draw a cartoon of Mohammad or write a book of fiction about him. Calling a mosque a “place of worship,” when the reality is that the designated building is a place where hate is learned by young men, and where weapons are cached for the time that Jihad flows into the streets, with the full support of our police, military, politicians, courts, and the most obvious American Muslim of them all, the de facto president Obama.

Call it what you will:  Fascism, Communism, Totalitarianism; it’s all Islam, the name of the enemy, and Muslim.  Ind if we’re to stand any chance at all to insure that our Constitution survives, we must first get rid of each and every Muslim in America, starting with the one in the White House: that’s exactly what it will take. No less.


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Saturday, April 28, 2012 6:44 AM

“Complacency Breeds Contempt!” “WE the People” are our own Worse Enemy for through our Complacency and UN-attention and lack of caring for our “Country”, WE and WE, alone have permitted this Cancer to fester and become a “Viable Threat” to the “Freedom, Liberty and Pursuits of Happiness” as provided by the Founders!