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by Sharon Rondeau

There are over 2600 species of palm trees, which grow in tropical climates such as that of Hawaii

(Jan. 6, 2012)— At approximately 3:05 ET, Atty. Orly Taitz contacted The Post & Email following the hearing scheduled for today in Taitz v. Fuddy in the First Circuit Court in Honolulu with Judge Rhonda Nishimura.  Astoundingly, although we are told that Nishimura was aware that Taitz was not available on January 26, 2012 because of a ballot challenge hearing in Atlanta, GA, she scheduled a hearing on the subpoena issued by the court in Georgia for the very same day.

Taitz said that because of the Motion for Reciprocal Subpoena Enforcement filed with the Hawaii court, Judge Nishimura was aware that Taitz could not be in both Hawaii and Georgia on that day.

Taitz is representing four presidential candidates and a registered voter in a challenge to the placement of Obama’s name on the Georgia state ballot in November, and on January 3, 2012, Judge Michael Malihi denied a motion filed by Obama’s attorney to dismiss the case in accordance with Georgia state law.

“They said that because the subpoena from Georgia is a new matter, there has to be a new hearing.  Guess for what day they scheduled it?  They scheduled it for January 26, the same day I have to be in Georgia,” Taitz said.

Taitz had reported previously that Deputy Attorney General Jill T. Nagamine claimed that Hawaii did not have to honor a subpoena from a court in Georgia.  However, the “Full Faith and Credit Clause” of the U.S. Constitution says differently.  Taitz said that she included that argument in her pleading.

Taitz has requested inspection of the original birth certificate allegedly on file with the Hawaii Department of Health, as she has claimed that Obama is using a stolen social security number and suspects that he might not have a birth certificate from the United States.

Why are the “public servants” in Hawaii going to such lengths to prevent inspection of the document which they allegedly possess?  The previous director of the Health Department, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, said that it was half-typed and half-handwritten, although the image that Obama showed the public does not appear to meet that description.

Could it be that the Hawaii Department of Health has nothing on file?

Contact information for the Hawaii Administrative Office of the Courts is here.  The First Circuit Court may be contacted here.  As of press time, it is 9:40 a.m. in Hawaii.  The Post & Email has just called and gotten a voice message system stating that the court is “unable to take” our call and gave a litany of other numbers to call about various problems.  “We are unable to return any long-distance calls,” the recording said.

This is a developing story.

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Atty Orly Taitz wrote, “Judge Rhonda Nishimura in HI granted my motion to expedite the hearing on Reciprocal Subpoena enforcement. New hearing is this Friday, January 13, 10:30am.”




Hawaii won’t matter if Georgia makes Obummer impotent. Then hawaii and all the other cronies will have to hide from the law…

My point exactly Robert. Georgia’s primary is on Super Tuesday. Hawaii’s is a week later. Georgia is an original 13 colony conservative state and deserves to weigh in on this. Hawaii has no record of Obama’s birth and is covering his fraud. Hawaii is completely corrupt and deserves to drown in it’s own spittle. Get him off the ballot in Georgia and it’s over for the big zero.

Nullify Hawaii. Get him off the ballot in Georgia.

Maybe she should ask Mario Apuzzo to stand in for her in Hawaii?

For God and Country

Typical – how could we hope to expect more? It is impossible for a snake to stand up – let alone with honour!

It is absolutely disgusting that a Judge would do this. It safe to say that in addition to Chicago, Hawaii is one of America’s most corrupt places in America.

I hope someone is making a list of all the people who throw up road blocks so that we can hold these people accountable for their actions down the road.

I think to it is time people start picketing in front of the court house to put pressure or otherwise let Judges know that we the people are watching their every move and that we will never forget what they do.

Newt Gingrich was right about the corruption of Judges. America does need to be cleaned up when it comes to Judges.

“Gingrich …right about corruption” ? How has this hog any business talking about other’s corruption ? When queried on The Usurper the self-styled historian stated ‘he[bo jr] was born in Hawai’i and he’s a citizen’ What does that tell you? Either this is the most uninformed historian on the planet or the most “corrupt” Come on let’s get real, people. All of these clowns aka elected officials are useless ie corrupted. We the People are on OUR own, on this one.
File suit , walk into the courtroom armed with a dictionary and then instruct the judge to look up the meaning of the word natural. Better yet ask him/her whether they will consider labeling as ‘natural’ -the next product they grab off the super-market shelf which plainly states that it contains artificial or foreign ingredients

I think you are missing the point j123 was making. Newt Gingrich has made the point. And for all his faults he is a fairly good historian. And this appears to be a clear case judicial corruption trying to protect Mr Obama – we have seen in the 3rd Circuit as well.

Accepting that Mr Obama was born in Hawaii does not make him eligible to be President. Mr Obama has PUBLICLY stated he was born in Hawaii of a US citizen mother and a FOREIGN citizen father. To be a natural born citizen one must be born in the country and BOTH parents must be citizens. If he was born in Kenya as the paternal side of his family has always claimed then under the laws at the time of his birth he may or may not even be a US citizen.

But the issue is that regardless of where he was born Mr Obama has already publicly stated he is not eligible and is therefore not President due to his parentage. And the actual definition of natural born citizen has been referenced, not defined, in at least 6 or 7 major rulings between 1814 and 1939. As well as being known historically.


Also, it is important to realize that there is not a single type of citizenship. Depending upon how you look at citizenship there is either 3 types or 2 types with one having 2 sub-types. If you take a look at this post


I cover the types of citizenship that exist in the US. Others use the view that there is natural born and all others are naturalized.

The problem is that people mix “natural born” with native or statutory citizenship. That is one parent is a citizen or Amendment 14 based citizen. This is one reason Mr Obama’s supporters have distorted what natural born means and have gone to great lengths to hide the meaning – even to possibly committing crimes – by altering Supreme Court rulings (justia.com). Even the Congressional Research Service did this by careful distortion of Supreme Court rulings by the use of “…”.

Just because one is a citizen at birth does not mean one is a natural born citizen. To be a natural born citizen one must met a specific set of requirements. Think of a tripod. Each leg of the tripod is one of the mandatory requirements. And John Sydney McCain III (i.e. Senator McCain) did not meet the requirements either.