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by Robert DeBeaux

The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights provides for the right of the people to petition their government for the redress of grievances. But is government listening or quashing the petitioners?

(Nov. 22, 2011) — In accordance with the 1st Amendment, The People have the RIGHT to peaceably assemble.

The Occupy movement has been demonized since its inception. From the very start, political elites ignored the protestations because the message was/is contrary to the desires of Congress and the Administration’s subversive goals.

When the elite discovered they could not dissuade the protestors, elitists and organizers decided to subvert, obfuscate and dilute the message. Not only did they succeed in “shouting louder” than the original protesters, they managed to stir the pot of emotions to the boiling point.

All of the cities across America are using force to get rid of this “Occupy” blight.  Cities are using police force, pepper spray, water hoses, and hauling people off to jail while we Americans applaud law enforcement’s efforts at the direction of politicians who DO NOT WANT the message to be simple: America belongs to the People.

Now everyone is upset, angered, annoyed with the Occupy movement. I, however, am looking beyond this tiny picture as I zoom out to look at the bigger picture.

We, the American public, have been played. Again.

The Declaration of Independence states quite clearly:

“…But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security…”

This sentence is what the Occupy movement is all about. All of the letter writing, calling, faxing, petitions, town hall meetings, trips to DC rallies, court injunctions, suits at law, patriots putting their lives and livelihood on the line and rallies across the Country have fallen on uncaring ears and myopic political doctrine.

The elites simply do not want to give up the power they have. The ONLY way it will be wrested out of their control is if we The People take it back. However, I digress.

How many cities engaged the protesters with aid? By aid, I mean placing trash receptacles where they would benefit the protesters. How about porta-potties? What about having a police presence to PROTECT the citizens clearly exercising their 1st Amendment Right to peaceably assemble and to petition the Government for Redress of grievances? Providing an AID station in the event of injury? Where were all of the free market capitalists with the food wagons? Where were all of the entrepreneurs who could cash in on a clearly captive audience? Where were the leaders to coalesce the efforts and keep the citizens focused and on message? Why was it that the cities decry the cost of the Occupy movement ONLY when the presence became unsanitary and dangerous instead of helping to maintain a level of civility? Because they did NOT WANT TO.

Would it have made more sense to do what the cities are chartered to do with the TAX money they steal? We all use the roads, so we pay taxes to support the DOT to keep the roads in working order. We all use natural resources that require recycling, so we pay our share to use those resources. These are things the city charges its citizens for, and although we grumble, we accept it because it does make our lives more pleasant.

So why did the cities not support citizens on public land? Did they not want the protesters message to get out? Were they waiting for the citizens to fail for lack of direction and leadership?

I cannot get out of my head the image of jack-booted thugs using pepper spray on citizens like criminals lined up in the middle of the street. How far are we from bullets? The bystanders on the sidelines were standing there oblivious to the show of force by the Government OVER the people.

This has happened before, many times. You may have forgotten, but Germany has not. Nor should you. Will you see America go quietly while you stand on the sidelines cheering for your neighbor’s arrest? What if it was your family member? What if it was you?

Would you deny that you are seeing the fall of America the Beautiful from its former glory to the cesspool of corruption it is now without doing anything? “What can you do,” you say? For starters, what side of the line are you on? Who are you cheering for? Do you even care that your liberties are gone?

Now get mad.

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  1. Interestingly enough the OWS protests aren’t against any form of government – their protests are against private business. I don’t think there is any First Amendment protection under those circumstances.

    Now, if the OWS crowd had convened around the state capitals and were protesting the unlawful behavior of the state governments… but I digress…

  2. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, among these Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.’ (Isn’t that how it goes – I wrote that from memory so it’s paraphrased.) I don’t think that the right to a free apartment, free checks if you have an illegitimate child outside the covenant of marriage, free food, free medical, free anything is suggested as being among ‘certain unalienable Rights.’ The people in the Occupy Wall Street crowd need to occupy a job and pursue happiness – not look to the rest of us to hand over to them on a silver platter whatever it is that they feel they are entitled to.

  3. “All of the letter writing, calling, faxing, petitions, town hall meetings, trips to DC rallies, court injunctions, suits at law” Insinuating the OWS people did any of these things is incredible.

    Granted, Peaceful protests are legitimate however trespass, civil disobedience, illicit drug use, sexual abuses and calling for treason are far from being protected by any legitimate law, statute or movement.

    Referring to “campus police” on a liberal campus as “jackbooted thugs” is quite comical. I’d call them au pair. It isn’t clear yet why they were summoned and what law they were supposed to act under. It looks more like setup to destroy trust in police everywhere. Given where this occurred I’d put money on it I’m right. This “movement” evolving into a national crisis is essential or BHO and all his fellow travelers will be unemployed and likely unemployable.

  4. America is just one big lie, everything about it is a lie, all the government does, is lie, the -resident is a pathological liar, officials lie to congress, and congress say’s, “oh”. This isn’t “home of the free land of the brave”, it’s the home of cowards, and land of illegal immigrants. Our military are killing innocent people in foreign lands, while we need them here to protect us from the criminal government. We have no “just-us” system, it’s a corrupt organized crime syndicate, run by the worst kind of criminals. God Bless Amerika.