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by Neil Turner

(Oct. 4, 2011) — The following email was sent to Liberty Counsel Chairman Mathew Staver in response to a request for monetary support for his organization.  Liberty Counsel was founded in 1989 and “provides pro bono legal assistance in the areas of religious liberty, the sanctity of human life and the family.”  Its media page states that it “consistently makes national headlines” for its work.

Has there been an intentional media blackout on the topic of Obama's constitutional eligibility for the presidency which has extended itself to "conservative" organizations?

The non-profit group has never addressed the question of Obama’s constitutional eligibility for the presidency.

From: Neil Turner
To: alert@libertyaction.org
cc: Liberty@lc.org
Subject: RE: Amazing update on our ObamaCare lawsuit!
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 19:14:56 -0700

Dear Matthew;

The Devil got your tongue?

You, of all people, know that we’re dealing with pure evil and the workings of the devil here.

And you, of all people, know that you don’t negotiate with the Devil on his terms – and win. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

I tried to get Liberty Counsel to take my case (which went before the corrupt Supreme Court as Keyes vs. Bowen a few days ago) over 1 1/2 years ago, but was told that it was not the kind of thing you could or would  handle.

Now that I see what you have been doing all this time – in dealing with the Devil on his own terms, well … as my British wife would say, ‘I wouldn’t wonder at it’.

There is a massive cloud over our Nation that has blinded man to the obvious: the Constitutional ineligibility of the usurper in our White House; the man without a name or a Social Security number or a public record or even an un-forged and valid Certificate of Live Birth. And you accept that … while you ask for funds to fight that ‘ghost’ on his own terms.

We understand that you are not allowed to talk about the Constitutional ineligibility issue in order to go on Fox News. But that excuse falls on deaf ears to those of us who would still prefer our Constitution intact – to the alternative of giving in and giving legitimacy to that which is so illegitimate.

And you, Mr. Staver, may be old enough to remember ‘The Shadow’ (aka Lamont Cranston). He had the ability to cloud men’s minds – just like the shadow that hangs over our Nation now.

Bonhoeffer said it best, when he said that … Silence in the face of evil, is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless.

May the people of this once great Nation come to their senses soon. See, hear, and speak not of evil … indeed.

In Liberty.

Neil B. Turner
Citizens for the Constitution

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