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by Rosalind Graham

Is Speaker of the House John Boehner a sellout? Are all Republicans?

(Apr. 24, 2011) — If our country is to have any chance of survival, the Republican establishment must be replaced in 2012 with genuinely conservative legislators who understand that our future is dependent upon dramatically slashing government size and spending.

It took only six weeks after the historic election of November 2010 to see the Republican establishment announce and proclaim its decision to disavow the will of we, the people, and continue boldly to march in lock-step with Obama on the road to ever-increasing borrowing and spending.

The Lame Duck session of Congress shouted the Republican establishment message loud and clear; surrender all the leverage generated by the astonishing November election results, freely capitulate to Obama and grant him a total victory in the debate over the ‘two (2) year’ Bush tax extensions — among other things.

The 2011 session of Congress has only solidified the Republican establishment betrayal of we, the people:

(1) The Republican establishment kept their campaign promise to vote to repeal Obamacare, but then  sanctimoniously disavowed that vote in its entirety when they gladly voted NOT to defund Obamacare.  Their hypocrisy was blatant and stunning!!

(2)  Their next chances to fulfill their promises to we, the people, came in the round of Continuing Resolutions to fund the government through the remainder of the current fiscal year.  They were totally consistent in their refusal to make meaningful spending cuts while graciously promising Obama they would not ‘shut down’ the government — which in reality doesn’t ‘shut down’ the government at all.  No matter that polling data confirmed that we, the people, preferred to ‘shut down’ the government to try to make meaningful reductions to unbridled spending.

First, it was a refusal to even vote on defunding the $105 billion in mandated up-front costs for the implementation of Obamacare — which is being spent as I write this to ingrain Obamacare in our system beyond repeal or recovery in the future.

Next, the $100 billion in spending cuts that were promised — to buy our votes in November — became a ‘prorated’ $61 billion in cuts; hypocritically, allegedly because the fiscal year was now already half over.

That $61 billion number was next reduced to $38 billion in cuts — just because that was the number to which Obama had agreed.

Finally, in the dead of night three Republican staffers agreed that the final spending cut number should be a mere $352 million.  That actual number was released just prior to the vote to pass the final Continuing Resolution, covering the remainder of the fiscal year.  Without hesitation, John Boehner promoted the appropriateness of the meaningless cut and coerced too many of the House Freshman Class to vote in favor of the Continuing Resolution so they, the establishment, could move on to the ‘important’ battles.

(3) Now the looming battle is over the debt ceiling and whether it will be raised to accommodate additional unfettered spending. Before this battle even came to the forefront, John Boehner assured Obama that the debt ceiling WOULD be raised.  No matter that by a margin of 2-1 we, the people, adamantly do NOT want the debt ceiling raised under any circumstances.  We, the people, understand clearly that the dreaded ‘default’ would NOT occur if the debt ceiling weren’t raised, because there is more than enough guaranteed revenue to the government to fulfill our financial and credit obligations.  We understand that it is essential to put a finite cap on the blank check/credit card Obama is using.  John Boehner doesn’t.

It has been reported that we will exceed the debt ceiling within a week or two.  Meanwhile The Republican establishment is refusing to vote AGAINST raising the debt ceiling, instead trying to sound ‘tough’ by saying they will insist on significant spending cuts before they will vote TO increase the debt ceiling.  Do you believe them?  I don’t!  Their track record is littered with too many lies in its path.  And, it is with certainty that I predict the debt ceiling will be raised, with the concurrence of the majority of the Republican establishment, even without demonstrable spending cuts.

(4) Ah, but the Republicans had to save their strength and ammunition for the most important battle — the 2012 federal budget crafted by their budget guru, Paul Ryan.  That budget was rolled out with great fanfare as the answer to our fiscal woes, yet within two hours of its release, Paul Ryan announced he was willing to ‘compromise’ his budget. Where is the belief and conviction in what has been proposed if it is immediately admitted that Republicans will not stand strongly behind it?  Never mind that the budget only cuts $6 trillion off the deficit in ten (10) years’ time and takes somewhere around TWENTY PLUS (20+) YEARS TO PUT US ON A SOUND FISCAL FOOTING — I believe that is the assessment of it.  My best assessment of Paul Ryan’s waiting-to-be-compromised budget plan is that since Obama has labeled it ‘radical’ it must be a statistical improvement over Obama’s mythical proposal.

But it isn’t only the establishment in Washington that must be purged in 2012.  The state-level establishment is even more insidious, certainly incestuous and must also be voted out in 2012, if we are to survive.  I draw your attention to a Newsmax article published on April 23, 2011.

We have properly been congratulated on the significant gains Republicans made in November 2010 in both state legislatures and in governorships.  Now take a read of this article and see how those gains are being put to use to insulate establishment legislators and insure their retention of power — in this case in Louisiana.
The prize of every census is the redistricting that comes from it.  Obviously Democrats have used redistricting to their advantage over Republicans at every opportunity — and Republicans have historically done the same to gain advantage over Democrats.  But redistricting and gerrymandering districts specifically to insure defeat of tea party incumbents in 2012 in favor of old-time, well-connected, establishment candidates within one’s own party shows a despicable cynicism to retain and insure a good-old-boy network of business-as-usual that must be eliminated!!!


At every level,  federal, state and local, the establishment must be purged!!  The election of 2010 has been effectively nullified by the Republican establishment and we, the people, must start over.  We must have the courage, fortitude and determination to win, not just the battle but the war.  We did it once and we can do it again!!!  And, we need to start now…

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Monday, April 25, 2011 4:12 PM

Obama won’t produce birth certificate because it would reveal TRUE identity of his father: Hawaii senator’s extraordinary claim


Carmar - AZ
Monday, April 25, 2011 3:38 PM


You are absolutely correct when you say:
“We The People absolutely must start thinking in terms of starting over again. America is now a blown engine that is need of a rebuild! WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN REBUILD THAT ENGINE! ”

and there are lots of folks who think just like you. There is something being done about it already. Please check it out: http://www.republicfortheunitedstates.org

Monday, April 25, 2011 2:41 PM

Norquist stated to Newsmax that “Obama is afraid of Ryan’s budget approach”. I would say that is quite true because Ryan’s approach would definitely slow down Obama’s big effort to totally bankrupt America. Norquist also stated that he “doesn’t understand why Donald Trump will be signing the no tax increase pledge”, which is a real easy one to answer, Obama and the other like minded saboteurs will spend everything they can get their filthy hands on, in order to gain absolute control over our lives, and I’m sure that Trump, like me, would like to see us start to grow the economy, not just spend everything they can, by way of taxation, printing money, robbing trust funds, creating phoney accounts in the name of “stimulus”, for personal use later, etc, etc. This is precisely why the debt ceiling MUST NOT BE RAISED until we have a strong Conservative, Constitutional Government IN POWER, that has been honestly elected by the people, and one that is sworn to a balance budget, and to put same it into law.

Monday, April 25, 2011 12:59 PM
Holland Simms
Monday, April 25, 2011 12:21 PM


Good God! It sure took a long time for someone to wake up to the reality that the 2 parties are the head and rear of the same animal.

I think even Thomas Nast realized this fact back in the 19th century when he drew the donkey and elephant symbols. As I recall, Nast’s drawing described GOP as a mad elephant trampling over everything and the Democrats as simply Jack*****.

I am thinking though that it is as this person suggests ,that purging the K-street-GOP elite and so called NEO-CONvicts, those that failed to support and /or were vocal against Republican candidates that were elected in primaries and the establishment failed to help and or vocally opposed candidates that were elected by ‘we the people’. Then there is this travesty of compromising the budget.No outcry for bringing the collusion of financial matters of Treasury,Congressional malfeasance and the Federal Reserve.The People ‘spoke’ in the last election and yet the Rinos are in denial.The Executive Department fails to live up to the Oath of office and openly defy the constitution in violation of their oaths and yet are not drawn to task by this GOP establishment.The ‘Establishment clearly shows they have allegiance to the powers wishing the destruction of the founding fathers’ Great experiment.

Obama Researcher
Monday, April 25, 2011 10:11 AM

One major problem is that all the politicians are more loyal to the party than to the country. The 2 parties then come into collusion. If someone is not total loyal to the party they destroy those in their own party. Thus we see Rove destroying those Republicans not beholden and controlled by the party. Anyone supported by the party is already a waste to vote for.

We need to expose Obama and destroy the Democrats and Republicans. Then we can have our own party.

This is why no one cares what the people think. They are robots of the party. They only care what the Party says. If they do anything independent of the party they will not be elected again. The Party is the power. There is only 2. They have agreements. They divide up the money pie. They ran off with the Stimulus $780 Billion. It mostly went to the politicians. and to pay off the unions etc. It was all political money payoff bribes.

Cort Wrotnowski
Monday, April 25, 2011 6:54 AM

I must first apologize, but if you are going to attack this problem constructively you must do one thing and one thing only: Take power. That means join your local republican town committees, make friends with folks on them, find like minded co-conspirators to lay plans for eventual take over. This has also been the tea party message for 18 months now. But since so many people are not getting plugged into the concept, I am afraid I must repeat it, but folks to work at waking up.

go to:


and learn about the all important

The Precinct Project
The Precinct Project
The Precinct Project
The Precinct Project
The Precinct Project
The Precinct Project

got that? Go to http://www.wagthedog2010.com and learn about THE PRECINCT PROJECT.


For people living in Connecticut, get with the program. tea party types are getting ready to walk the halls of Hartford lobbying legislators on the bills. This is needed, but it is only a defensive move to defeat legislation. You must go on the offensive by taking political power. You take political power by taking over your republican town committee. Period.


Barbi Dee
Monday, April 25, 2011 4:02 AM

Being an average citizen hearing CRAZY LOONS declare for 8 years OUR GOVERNMENT bombed our country, made me think it was incomprehensible for MORONS to make these horrible comments until I spent countless hours reading ALL INFORNATION! If I were on a jury—GUILTY! Pls read All articles on google regarding 9.11 cover-up, FRAUDSTER cover-up and decide how far will 535 devious elected TRAITORS go to ENRICHEN THEIR POCKETS! I suggest they ALL get calls, letters, EMails, Faxes, visits telling them it may be a National Holiday after WE THE PEOPLE PUT THEN in FRONT OF A FIRING SQUAD for TREASON! 535 pieces of elected garbage happily take their salaries being paid by the taxpayers, refuse to represent us for the BILDERBERGS! Where R OUR VETERANS who took oaths??????????? What King George did to the citizens of the new colonies was NOTHING in comparison to what our CURRENT RUNAWAY HOUSE OF CRIMINALS is doing and lieing about to those who pay their salaries!

Barbi Dee
Monday, April 25, 2011 2:42 AM

Due to countless hours of reading, in my humble opinion 9/11 and the FRAUDSTER are attached at the hip! “If U don’t SQUEAL on US —–WE won’t TELL on U”! Great reading starts at google “Efforts to hide the truth about 9/11 –Dr. Mathew Robinson” Identical responses to not give a straight answer or ALLOW an impartial investigation! Google has numerous stories of US GENERALS, ENGINEERS,SCIENTISTS (over 1.500 DEMANDING an impartial investigation). Carefully look at NUMEROUS pictures of plane that hit the PENTAGON! THERE WAS NO PLANE! 40% of America is aware! Is that not enough for an impartial investigation from THE HOUSE OF CRIMINALS???? Will NEVER HAPPEN as they deposit BRIBES from BILDERBERGS!

Monday, April 25, 2011 1:50 AM

If Boehner and fellow kowtowing Republicans dismiss the Obama eligibility issue and, basically, slap “birthers’” and, their legitimate concerns in the face, – then, those same lackadaisical, humdrum and status quo Republicans need to be replaced! They not only have betrayed the will of their Republican voter base, but, America as well, by virtue of their allowance of Obama to continue in the office of president without having evidenced his right to be, president. [They continue to be in denial of Obama’s (obvious) non natural birth status in order to be president – as, required by the Constitution!]

What? – So far, Donald Trump and Sarah Palin are the only high profile [possible candidate] Republicans who haven’t caved to the liberal mainstream media [and, FOX] and to the liberal Democrats, with this issue? Thank God for Donald Trump and Sarah Palin – to seek the truth about the non-transparent and secretive Obama – something that their fellow cowards of the Republican Party are not seeking!

Judas Boehner and Republican company need to be booted out of Washington. They can no longer see the forest through the trees and they have, essentially stomped on the graves of our nation’s founding and framing fathers by their willful neglect to hold the fraudulent Obama presidency, Constitutionally responsible and accountable!

Furthermore, if Boehner and company stomp on the American people with their continued, “go nowhere” status quo actions, they (then) deserve the worst from the Republican electorate! May the outcome of the next 2 election cycles, stomp on them!

Finally – here, mentioned, below, are more of my opinions about the Obama eligibility/”birther issue:

“There are Bigger Fish to Fry” – A “Birther” Rebuttal – 4/23/11

Liberal Mainstream Media’s ‘Over-Kill’ Will Come Back to Bite – 4/22/11

Beck & Levin – No Better Than Liberal Extremists – 4/18/11

“Charaders” will hate Dr. Corsi’s new book – 3/29/11


Barbi Dee
Monday, April 25, 2011 1:46 AM

America will not survive without a Patriotic Corporation owning a TV station reporting THE TRUTH because majority of Americans do not have a clue THE Bilderbergs (Federal Reserve -CORRUPT ILLEGAL BANKSTERS) —-own ALL democratic and republican politicians , MEDIA, SUPREME COURT to DECEIVE and DESTROY America for the NWO to enrichen these DIRTY. FILTHY, DISGUSTING GREEDY, GREEDY, GREEDY, GREEDY DISPICABLE SCUM of the EARTH! They are more despicable than Hitler! And EVERYONE elected in the 112th congress REFUSES to speak about this MASSIVE CRIMINALITY starting with an ILLEGAL CONGRESS due to an ILLEGAL PRESIDENT——-and maybe ask why we have over 100,000 troops in Afghanistan searching for 100 Alqeada for 10 years????And why does Cheneys old company Halliburton receive billions to feed them.,etc.,etc,etc And why does EVERY SCUM piece of GARBAGE in CONGRESS allow Alqeada or any TERRORIST to cross OUR BORDERS and spend trillions to stop 100 in Afghanistan??? America must wake up and notify EVERY TRAITOR in CONGRESS, SUPREME COURT, GOVERNORS,etc——–AMERICA WILL NOT BE DESTROYED FOR YOUR PERSONAL GREED to line YOUR DIRTY POCKETS and further enrich The BILDERBERGS! U WILL ALL BE CONVICTED of TREASON and hopefully face A FIRING SQUAD!!!!!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011 1:38 AM

Boehner is a RINO of the highest degree. We need to remove him with all the other RINOS and Democrats who play their treasonous games, in the next election. The newly elected Republican freshmen, about 60, probably got the riot act read to them once they got to Wahington, by the RINO’s. Let’s send our newly elected representatives some massive help in numbers in the next election.

Monday, April 25, 2011 12:11 AM

If Boehner and fellow kowtowing Republicans dismiss the Obama eligibility issue and, basically, slap “birthers'” and, their legitimate concerns in the face, – then, those same lackadaisical, humdrum and status quo Republicans need to be replaced! They not only have betrayed the will of their Republican voter base, but, America as well, by virtue of their allowance of Obama to continue in the office of president without having evidenced his right to be, president. [They continue to be in denial of Obama’s (obvious) non natural birth status – as, required by the Constitution!]

What? – So far, Donald Trump and Sarah Palin are the only high profile [possible candidate] Republicans who haven’t caved to the liberal mainstream media [and, FOX] and to the liberal Democrats, with this issue? Thank God for them – to seek the truth about the secretive Obama – something that the cowards of the Republican Party are not seeking!

Judas Boehner and Republican company need to be booted out of Washington. They can no longer see the forest through the trees and they have, essentially pissed on the graves of our founding and framing fathers by their willful neglect to hold the fraudulent Obama presidency, Constitutionally accountable!

Lloyd in California
Sunday, April 24, 2011 11:54 PM

May I posit, it is not just the Republicans but both parties and has been for a long time. This is not to give the Newly elected a pass for their lack of spine. May I also say the real problem is one we have failed to recognize since the beginning of this Republic. For discussion I recommend you take the time to review the following. I was totally blown away and I follow politics like any political/news media junky would.

We all know the wonderful Wizard of Oz created by L. Frank Baum, through the movie starring Judy Garland but did you know the real message that it tells.
A reporter, Bill Still created a film, The Secret of OZ, which is 1hr 56min 25sec that will give an education that I (IMHO) do not think you can get anywhere.


Before you say you do not have the time for this education, check out the trailer at


it is only 4 minutes and maybe you can afford that much time to find out what you never knew.

When you watch the full version, you will hear what the Bankers said in 1892 United States Bankers Magazine about keeping us involved in “political antagonisms” 1:01;05 … “By dividing the electorate this way, we’ll be able to have them spend their energies at struggling amongst themselves on questions that, for us, have no importance whatsoever.” Can you relate to what has been occurring in the US today?
This will make you think about what Greenspan and Bernake have been doing and for who’s benefit. My comment is the head bankers of every country is guilty of treason against their respective country and should be taken out and shot. The Fed definitely must be eliminated and the big banks must be allowed to fail.

Sunday, April 24, 2011 11:50 PM

Follow the money at over 200 websites and put it together with their voting record.

Sunday, April 24, 2011 8:58 PM

From a citizen’s point of view I would say that at some point in time the democrats and republicans have joined forces and formed some sort of corporation. They both take turns playing “good cop bad cop” with both parties alternating who is the good cop for the preselected election cycle based on what written script or talking points that they both have agreed upon in some back room somewhere.

The management of government today is all about these two groups always being at odds with each other and nothing ever getting accomplished with the exception of one thing…..an endless flow of taxpayer money disappearing into thing air and nobody knows where the money actually went!

Maybe it’s not a corporation. Maybe these thieves and thugs have developed a culture of their own and when newcomers enter into the arena they are quickly processed and reinvented into being a part of the culture.

Another thing that is now certain. This culture has abandoned the U.S. Constitution. We know this now!

This culture also has a sidekick. A close buddy that is like a third appendage….Bill O’Reilly and friends!
The MSM. It is obvious as all heck that they are working very close with each other! I would suggest that some of that money that just disappears into thin air is equally distributed into all open pockets!

People! I’ve said this before. The America you were raised in and were taught to believe in, no longer exists. This culture of people has murdered the U.S. Constitution. They have lynched America!

We The People absolutely must start thinking in terms of starting over again. America is now a blown engine that is need of a rebuild! WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN REBUILD THAT ENGINE!


Sunday, April 24, 2011 6:19 PM

The entire election system needs to be scrapped and rebuilt in accordance with the Constitution. There are valid indicators the electronic voting systems are not to be trusted. Reality indicates correction of massive voter fraud is a pipe dream. For correction and clean-up, it will require significant actions by at least 50% of tax paying legal U.S. citizen voters, at the county & state governments. However, should China and Japan, in the near term, move to dump large holdings of U.S. treasuries [given the stage has been set for this to take place by 2012] then, as inflation spirals out of control, “significant participation” might spontaneously spring forth. Pipe dream? Maybe not, who would have thought the Post & Email would have come this far? I “hope”- optimism TRUMPS reality.

Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:38 PM

Why did so many trust Boehner in the first place? The man passed out checks from a lobbyist on the House floor!

Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:17 PM

You, Ms Graham, are absolutely correct- the Republican establishment must be purged! For example, Speaker John Boehner himself said, incredibly, that he would “take the word” of Barack Obama regarding his, Obama’s, birth story. YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME, MR BOEHNER! WHAT A SELLOUT YOU ARE, MR BOEHNER! COME ON, MR BOEHNER, PROVE ME WRONG IF YOU CAN! This message is from someone, an ordinary American citizen, to whose many messages you, John Boehner, have NEVER responded. Tom Arnold.