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by 1 Dragon, blogging at Socialism is not the Answer

(Dec. 21, 2010) — I have received a lot of e-mails over the years about how life was in the 60′s or comparing today to with life a hundred years ago and some are funny. Other times they make me think. While growing up, I never wore a seat belt, some cars I owned didn’t have one. I never wore a helmet while riding a bicycle. I didn’t worry about eating to much cake or candy because we didn’t buy it that much.

Today, our government will tell us what is good for us and continue to tell us until we believe. In the 70′s there were plenty of muscle cars until Jimmy Carter and the gas shortage and then came the K-Cars. Lighter, front-wheel drive and not much to look at after a crash. No really, have you ever leaned on an old car and noticed how strong it was? It was made of steel. If you got into an accident, it wasn’t that big of a deal because there wasn’t that much damage. Today the cars we drive are lighter and made of balsa wood (LOL) and there isn’t much left after an accident. Yet the government says they’re safe.

Michelle Obama wants to be Cabbage Queen and tell us what we can and can’t eat. She will probably have the backing of the FDA and they will probably have the backing of Homeland Security. Hey, Homeland Security is already using Wal-Mart to have people spy on each other. Better be careful next time you pick up that box of cake mix or brownies. Didn’t you hear? The government is saying it’s a National Security risk. Laugh if you want, small steps first. What happens when they tell you that the only thing you need is a pill each day? What they don’t tell you is the mind controlling drug that is in it. To much? Maybe.

Take a look at what has happened over the years.

You are supposed to be politically correct.

You are not supposed to offend Muslims but it’s okay to offend Christians or Jews.

Christmas trees are Holiday trees.

Business shouldn’t have a Christmas tree because it may be offensive to non-believers.

You shouldn’t use the term “illegal immigrant.”

You are a racist if you question Obama or his policies.

You are a domestic terrorist if you question the government.

Your Fourth Amendment Rights are being violated by the government for your own safety. Where is Congress on this one? Do they even know what the Constitution says?

Land of the Free? Not as long as the government has a say in the matter. Control first. Social Security, taxes, TV, health care, food, travel, The Internet. What’s next, your 401K, restricted travel from state to state, a government official on every corner checking your papers?

What? No papers?

I haven’t seen Obama’s papers but that’s supposed to be okay; you know, politically correct, illegal immigrant, government control.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010 5:22 PM

The Progressive movement dating back to Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBG. Carter has always failed. Obama has done the country a great service with his run away congress. They will be beat back this time for twice the usual time if RINO like the ones who voted for START DADT and the Food Bill are driven out of dodge on a rail. With that I see the White House in 2012-20 and again from 20-28. The Democrats are bereft of ideas, their policy fails because now as we are continually shown socialist countries the world over are failing. The do not understand or care to understand the direct relation to taxation and job destruction. May the progressive movement and the recent crooks and thieves who made people loose their home burn in hell or spend the rest of their lives at the gray bar hotel with Obama, not chance for parole or a pardon. J.C. Great job dragon

Tuesday, December 21, 2010 6:53 PM

another good article…

I’m thoroughly freaked out this week (as I just commented on another story here)…

check out this post, I fear America might already be Amerika… sad really


cheers from a Chicago girl living in NZ who is very scared for her home country

Tuesday, December 21, 2010 6:04 PM


Tuesday, December 21, 2010 1:30 PM

type in va18.2-482 every one in each state should send this petition to each governor.WE THE PEOPLE @THE STATES HAVE POWER.The senate think they have all the power with the usurper.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010 12:23 PM

Very good article. Socialism is not the answer is the problem.


How America Became a Communist Nation
